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nTurbo硬體加速器(Hardware Acceleration)


    nTurbo加速器是從NP4開始提供的一種IPS加速機制. 他可以使得經過flow-based UTM的traffic交由NPU操作. 這個巨大的獲益使得CPU loading大幅改善.

    NTurbo offloads firewall sessions that include flow-based security profiles to NP4 or NP6 network processors.
    Without NTurbo, or with NTurbo disabled, all firewall sessions that include flow-based security profiles are processed by the FortiGate CPU.

    NTurbo can only offload firewall sessions containing flow-based security profiles if the session could otherwise have been offloaded except for the presence of the flowbased security profiles. If something else prevents the session from being offloaded, NTurbo will not offload that session.

    Firewall sessions that include proxy-based security profiles are never offloaded to network processors and are always processed by the FortiGate CPU.

    1. 使用proxy-based UTM
    2. 使用DoS-policy

    SoC3整合的NP6lite加速器. 意味著它提供了nTurbo加速機制.在default的情況下, nTurbo加速器會啟用.


    設定policy的時候, 選擇的UTM profile必須全部都是flow-based.

    可以從Session widget觀察nTurbo加速器的負載情況.

    當滑鼠移到該欄位, 會彈出相關的視窗資訊(tooltip)


    * FortiSoC3內建的NP6lite支持全部種類的H/W Traffic Shaper, 意味著可以混合nTurbo使用....

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