-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # # import wx import os import sys import time import runpy import socket import shutil import gettext import sqlite3 import threading import subprocess import wx.lib.agw.pyprogress as PP from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup # Set script PATH sys.path.append("./usbmuxd") sys.path.append("./scripts") sys.path.append("./") from util.ramdiskclient import RamdiskToolClient from keystore.keybag import Keybag # set i18n _ = wx.GetTranslation # Hook debug window class LogWindow(wx.PyOnDemandOutputWindow): def __init__(self): wx.PyOnDemandOutputWindow.__init__(self, title = "Message Window") def write(self, text): if self.frame is None: # Bug Fix with Init self.frame fast... XD self.frame = "____" if not wx.Thread_IsMain(): wx.CallAfter(self.CreateOutputWindow, text) else: self.CreateOutputWindow(text) else: if not wx.Thread_IsMain(): wx.CallAfter(self.__write, text) else: self.__write(text) def __write(self, text): try: self.text.AppendText(text) except AttributeError: pass for item in self.triggers: if item in text: self.frame.Raise() break # hook print statement class HookStdOut(object): def __init__(self, *argv, **argd): object.__init__(self) def write(self, s): try: sys.__stdout__.write(s) except: pass class MyApp(wx.App): outputWindowClass = LogWindow def __init__(self, redirect=True): wx.App.__init__(self, redirect) class JB_Dialog(wx.Dialog): def __init__(self, parent, ID, title, size=wx.DefaultSize, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE,): pre = wx.PreDialog() pre.Create(parent, ID, title, pos, size, style) self.PostCreate(pre) # set description str label = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("\nPlease select your decide type.")) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add(label, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) # set select bar self.l = wx.Choice(self, -1, (100, 50), choices=["Iphone 4 (GSM)", "Iphone 4 (CDMA)", "Iphone 3GS ", "Ipod Touch 3G", "Ipod Touch 4G", "Ipad 1"] ) self.l.SetSelection(0) sizer.Add(self.l, 2, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 10) box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() # set OK button btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK) btn.SetDefault() btnsizer.AddButton(btn) # set CANCEL button btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL) btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btnsizer.Realize() sizer.Add(btnsizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALL, 5) self.SetSizer(sizer) sizer.Fit(self) class LangChoice(wx.Dialog): def __init__(self, parent, ID, title, size=wx.DefaultSize, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE,): pre = wx.PreDialog() pre.Create(parent, ID, title, pos, size, style) self.PostCreate(pre) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # set select bar self.l = wx.Choice(self, -1, (100, 50), choices=["Chinese", "English", "Japanese"] ) self.l.SetSelection(0) sizer.Add(self.l, 2, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 10) box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btnsizer = wx.StdDialogButtonSizer() # set OK button btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK) btn.SetDefault() btnsizer.AddButton(btn) # set CANCEL button btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL) btnsizer.AddButton(btn) btnsizer.Realize() sizer.Add(btnsizer, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALL, 5) self.SetSizer(sizer) sizer.Fit(self) class File_Dialog(wx.Dialog): def __init__(self, parent, ID, title, size=wx.DefaultSize, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE,): pre = wx.PreDialog() pre.Create(parent, ID, title, pos, size, style) self.PostCreate(pre) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # set select bar global c global cx c.execute("SELECT * FROM projects") sampleList = [] for i in c.fetchall(): sampleList.append( "%d. %s #%s" % (i[0], i[3], i[4]) ) self.l = wx.ListBox(self, -1, size=(400, 150), choices=sampleList, style=wx.LB_SINGLE) if len(sampleList) > 0: self.l.SetSelection(0) sizer.Add(self.l, 2, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 10) box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btn1 = wx.Button(self, -1, _("Open")) btn2 = wx.Button(self, -1, _("Delete")) btn3 = wx.Button(self, -1, _("Import")) box.Add(btn1) box.Add(btn2) box.Add(btn3) btn1.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, btn2.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.delete) btn3.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.imp) sizer.Add(box, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALL, 5) self.SetSizer(sizer) sizer.Fit(self) def open(self, evt): s = self.l.GetStringSelection() if s: s = s.split(".", 1)[0] s = int(s) s = c.execute("SELECT * FROM projects WHERE id=%d" % s).fetchone() global udid, dataVolumeUUID udid = s[1] dataVolumeUUID = s[2] name = s[3] frame.statusbar.SetStatusText("Project name is %s" % name) self.Destroy() def delete(self, evt): s = self.l.GetStringSelection() if s: s = s.split(".", 1)[0] s = int(s) s = c.execute("DELETE FROM projects where id=%d" % s) cx.commit() self.Destroy() def imp(self, evt): dlg = wx.DirDialog(self, "Choose import directory:", style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE | wx.DD_DIR_MUST_EXIST #| wx.DD_CHANGE_DIR ) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: directory = dlg.GetPath() else: directory = None dlg.Destroy() if directory: udid = directory.split("\\")[-1] __ = os.listdir(directory) vid = "" for i in __: if i.endswith(".plist"): vid = i.split(".")[0] break if vid and udid: value = wx.GetTextFromUser(_("\nPlease enter case name."), _("Message!"), "") if not value: name = "" else: name = value else: wx.MessageBox("File not completed", _("Error!"), style=wx.ICON_HAND) if vid and udid and name: _time = " ".join(time.asctime().split(" ")[2:]) c.execute( "INSERT INTO projects(udid, vid, name, time) values(?, ?, ?, ?)", (udid, dataVolumeUUID, name, _time) ) cx.commit() self.Destroy() class main(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, parent, id, title, size): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size = size) self._main() def CreateElement(self): panel = wx.Panel(self, -1, style=wx.RAISED_BORDER) self.option0 = wx.Button(panel, -1, _("Start"), style=wx.NO_BORDER) self.option1 = wx.Button(panel, -1, _("Change language"), style=wx.NO_BORDER) self.option2 = wx.Button(panel, -1, _("Using SSH over USB, Setup Usbmux. (Optional)"), style=wx.NO_BORDER) self.option3 = wx.Button(panel, -1, _("Using JB Exploit to Load Forensic Ramdisk."), style=wx.NO_BORDER) self.option4 = wx.Button(panel, -1, _("Brute Force the Passcode."), style=wx.NO_BORDER) self.option5 = wx.Button(panel, -1, _("Export the Important Password Report from Keychain."), style=wx.NO_BORDER) self.option6 = wx.Button(panel, -1, _("Mirror IOS Data Partition."), style=wx.NO_BORDER) self.option7 = wx.Button(panel, -1, _("Decrypt IOS Data Pratition Image."), style=wx.NO_BORDER) self.option8 = wx.Button(panel, -1, _("Recover Deleted Files from Decrypted Image."), style=wx.NO_BORDER) self.option9 = wx.Button(panel, -1, _("Deeply Revocer Deleted Files from Decrypted Image."), style=wx.NO_BORDER) self.option10 = wx.Button(panel, -1, _("About"), style=wx.NO_BORDER) box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # dirty way to eval button for i in range(0, 11): eval("box.Add(self.option%d, 5, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 4)" % i) panel.SetSizer(box) def OnShow(self, evt): value = wx.GetTextFromUser(_("\nPlease enter case number (12 digits)."), _("Message!"), "") if value: try: value = int(value) except: wx.MessageBox("Case number must be digit.", _("Error!"), style=wx.ICON_HAND) value = None if value: # do_lookup(value) pass def ChgLang(self, evt): dlg = LangChoice(self, -1, _("Change Language"), size=(350, 200)) dlg.CenterOnScreen() val = dlg.ShowModal() if val == wx.ID_OK: choice = dlg.l.CurrentSelection if choice == 0: mylocale.AddCatalog('cht') elif choice == 1: mylocale.AddCatalog('en') elif choice == 2: mylocale.AddCatalog('jp') dlg.Destroy() def JB(self, evt): dlg = JB_Dialog(self, -1, _("Using JB Exploit to Load Forensic Ramdisk"), size=(350, 200)) dlg.CenterOnScreen() val = dlg.ShowModal() if val == wx.ID_OK: choice = dlg.l.CurrentSelection if choice == 0: # Iphone 4 (GSM) i = "iPhone3,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw" r = "iPhone3,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.dmg" k = "iPhone3,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.patched" elif choice == 1: # Iphone 4 (CDMA) i = "iPhone3,3_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw" r = "iPhone3,3_5.0_9A334_Restore.dmg" k = "iPhone3,3_5.0_9A334_Restore.patched" elif choice == 2: # Iphone 3GS i = "iPhone2,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw" r = "iPhone2,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.dmg" k = "iPhone2,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.patched" elif choice == 3: # Ipod Touch 3G i = "iPod3,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw" r = "iPod3,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.dmg" k = "iPod3,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.patched" elif choice == 4: # Ipod Touch 4G i = "iPod4,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw" r = "iPod4,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.dmg" k = "iPod4,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.patched" elif choice == 5: # Ipad 1 i = "iPad1,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.ipsw" r = "iPad1,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.dmg" k = "iPad1,1_5.0_9A334_Restore.patched" # run redsn0w in order to JailBreak wx.MessageBox(_("Please click CANCEL button to reboot after JailBreak finish."), _("Message!")) "tools\\redsn0w.exe -i dmg\\%s -r dmg\\%s -k dmg\\%s" % (i, r, k) ) #os.system("tools\\redsn0w.exe -i dmg\\%s -r dmg\\%s -k dmg\\%s" % (i, r, k)) dlg.Destroy() def MountUSB(self, evt): if not CheckPort(2222): threading.Thread(target=self._MountUSB).start() def _MountUSB(self): # Run script sys.argv = [] sys.argv.append( "" ) sys.argv.append( "-t" ) sys.argv.append( "22:2222" ) sys.argv.append( "1999:1999" ) #hookGlobal["sys.stdout"] = open( "a.txt", "w+" ) runpy.run_module("tcprelay", run_name="__main__", alter_sys=True, init_globals=hookGlobal) def BruteForce(self, evt): # Check tcp relay work if not CheckPort(2222): self.MountUSB(None) threading.Thread(target=self._BruteForce).start() def _BruteForce(self): os.chdir("./projects") # Run script runpy.run_module("demo_bruteforce", run_name="__main__", alter_sys=True) filename = "%s.plist" % GetDi("dataVolumeUUID") if os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename, "a+") as fp: flag = False for i in fp.readlines(): if flag: pw = i flag = False break if i.find("<key>passcode</key>") != -1: flag = True if pw: pw = BeautifulSoup(pw) pw = pw.findAll("string")[0].string if pw == None: wx.MessageBox(_("There is no password") , _("Message!")) else: wx.MessageBox(_("The password is %s" % pw), ("Message!")) else: wx.MessageBox(_("Can not find password file"), _("Error!")) # Back to work direcytory os.chdir("../../") def KeychainDeCrypt(self, evt): # Check tcp relay work # QQ strange bug QQ if not CheckPort(2222): self.MountUSB(None) threading.Thread(target=self._KeychainDeCrypt).start() def _KeychainDeCrypt(self): os.chdir("./projects/%s" % GetDi("udid")) # Check plist and keychain if os.path.exists( "%s.plist" % GetDi("dataVolumeUUID") ) and os.path.exists( "keychain-2.db" ): # Run script sys.argv = [] sys.argv.append( "" ) sys.argv.append( "-d") sys.argv.append( "keychain-2.db" ) sys.argv.append( "%s.plist" % GetDi("dataVolumeUUID") ) #hookGlobal["sys.stdout"] = open( ".\\%s\\password.txt" % GetDi("udid"), "w+" ) runpy.run_module("keychain_tool", run_name="__main__", alter_sys=True, init_globals=hookGlobal) dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog( self, 'The password report has been saved. Please enter project name.', _('Message')) dlg.SetValue("Project 1") if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: global udid global dataVolumeUUID udid = GetDi("udid") dataVolumeUUID = GetDi("dataVolumeUUID") _time = " ".join(time.asctime().split(" ")[2:]) name = dlg.GetValue() c.execute( "INSERT INTO projects(udid, vid, name, time) values(?, ?, ?, ?)", (udid, dataVolumeUUID, name, _time) ) cx.commit() self.statusbar.SetStatusText("Project name is %s" % name) dlg.Destroy() wx.MessageBox(_("The password report has been saved."), _("Message!")) else: wx.MessageBox(_("Please brute force the passcode first."), _("Message!")) os.chdir("../../") def MirrorIOS(self, evt): os.chdir("./projects/%s" % GetDi("udid")) wx.MessageBox(_("Please switch to the terminal window, and enter password <alpine>."), _("Notice")) tmp = {"flag": True} threading.Thread(target=self._MirrorIOS, args=(tmp,)).start() dlg = PP.PyProgress(None, -1, "Dialog", "Progress") while tmp["flag"]: wx.MilliSleep(250) try: mb = os.path.getsize( "encrypted.img" ) / (1000*1000) except: mb = 0 mb = "%d MB" % mb dlg.UpdatePulse(mb) dlg.Destroy() if os.path.getsize( "encrypted.img" ) == 0: wx.MessageBox(_("Failed, May the password is incorrect."), _("Message")) else: wx.MessageBox(_("Mirroring finish, the file name is encrypted.img."), _("Message")) os.chdir("../../") def _MirrorIOS(self, arg): class __(object): def __init__(self, *argv, **argd): object.__init__(self) def write(self, s): pass sys.stdout = __() cmd = "test -e /dev/rdisk0s2s1 && a='rdisk0s2s1';test -e /dev/rdisk0s1s2 && a='rdisk0s1s2';dd if=/dev/$a bs=8192;" os.system(".\\..\\..\\ssh\\ssh.exe -p 2222 root@localhost \"%s\" | .\\..\\..\\ssh\\dd.exe of=encrypted.img" % cmd ) sys.stdout = HookStdOut() arg["flag"] = False def MirrorDecrypt(self, evt): os.chdir("./projects/%s" % GetDi("udid")) # Check tcp relay work if not CheckPort(2222): self.MountUSB(None) # Check image.img exists if not os.path.exists("encrypted.img") and not os.path.exists("decrypted.img"): global _ wx.MessageBox(_("Please Do Mirror Action First."), _("Message")) os.chdir("../../") return None if not os.path.exists("backup_encrypted.img"): def __(arg): shutil.copy("encrypted.img", "backup_encrypted.img") arg["flag"] = False # pass by reference so using a list tmp = {"flag": True} threading.Thread(target=__, args=(tmp,)).start() dlg = PP.PyProgress(None, -1, _("Dialog"), _("Please Watting Backup the Image File.")) while tmp["flag"]: wx.MilliSleep(250) progress = "%d %%" % ( (os.path.getsize("backup_encrypted.img")*100.0) / os.path.getsize("encrypted.img") ) dlg.UpdatePulse(progress) dlg.Destroy() os.chdir("../../") threading.Thread(target=self._MirrorDecrypt).start() def _MirrorDecrypt(self): os.chdir("./projects/%s" % GetDi("udid")) if os.path.exists("encrypted.img"): os.rename( "encrypted.img", "decrypted.img" ) # Run script sys.argv = [] sys.argv.append( "" ) sys.argv.append( "decrypted.img" ) runpy.run_module("emf_decrypter", run_name="__main__", alter_sys=True, init_globals=hookGlobal) os.chdir("../../") wx.MessageBox(_("Finish IOS mirror decryption, original image file name is encrypted.img, decrypted file name is decryptde.img."), _("Message")) def MirrorUnDelete(self, evt): os.chdir("./projects/%s" % GetDi("udid")) # Check image.img exists if not os.path.exists( "decrypted.img" ): global _ wx.MessageBox(_("Please Do Mirror Action First."), _("Message")) os.chdir("../../") return None os.chdir("../../") threading.Thread(target=self._MirrorUnDelete).start() def _MirrorUnDelete(self): os.chdir("./projects/%s" % GetDi("udid")) # Run script sys.argv = [] sys.argv.append( "" ) sys.argv.append( "decrypted.img" ) runpy.run_module("emf_undelete", run_name="__main__", alter_sys=True, init_globals=hookGlobal) os.chdir("../../") wx.MessageBox(_("Recover files are under directory %s/%s ." % (os.getcwd(), GetDi("udid"))), _("Message")) def MirrorUnDeleteDeep(self, evt): os.chdir("./projects/%s" % GetDi("udid")) # Check image.img exists if not os.path.exists( "decrypted.img" ): global _ wx.MessageBox(_("Please Do Mirror Action First."), _("Message")) os.chdir("../../") return None os.chdir("../../") threading.Thread(target=self._MirrorUnDeleteDeep).start() def _MirrorUnDeleteDeep(self): os.chdir("./projects/%s" % GetDi("udid")) # Run script sys.argv = [] sys.argv.append( "" ) sys.argv.append( "decrypted.img" ) runpy.run_module("Undelete_deep", run_name="__main__", alter_sys=True) os.chdir("../../") def _main(self): # Create Buttons & Texts self.CreateElement() # Binding events self.option0.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.File) self.option1.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.ChgLang) self.option2.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.MountUSB) self.option3.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.JB) self.option4.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.BruteForce) self.option5.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.KeychainDeCrypt) self.option6.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.MirrorIOS) self.option7.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.MirrorDecrypt) self.option8.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.MirrorUnDelete) self.option9.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.MirrorUnDeleteDeep) self.option10.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.About) #self.Bind(wx.EVT_SHOW, self.OnShow) self.statusbar = self.CreateStatusBar() self.statusbar.SetStatusText("initial completed.") self.Centre() self.Show() def File(self, evt): dlg = File_Dialog(self, -1, _("Choice a action."), size=(350, 200)) dlg.CenterOnScreen() val = dlg.ShowModal() if val == wx.ID_OK: choice = dlg.l.CurrentSelection def About(self, evt): wx.MessageBox(_("Version 1.1 Writtern by OSSLab "), _("About")) def CheckPort(port=2222): ret = False s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: s.bind( ("", port) ) s.close() except Exception, e: ret = True return ret def GetDi(key): global udid global dataVolumeUUID if udid and dataVolumeUUID: di = {} di["udid"] = udid di["dataVolumeUUID"] = dataVolumeUUID else: client = RamdiskToolClient() di = client.getDeviceInfos() #udid or dataVolumeUUID return di[key] # Hook print statement sys.stdout = HookStdOut() # Hook raw_input() def msg(): wx.MessageBox(_("Plese enter OK to continue."), _("Message")) raw_input = msg hookGlobal = {"raw_input": msg, "sys.stdout": HookStdOut()} if __name__ == "__main__": app = MyApp(redirect=True) # do i18n mylocale = wx.Locale() mylocale.AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix("./lang/") mylocale.AddCatalog('cht') # init database if not os.path.exists("./projects"): os.mkdir("./projects") if not os.path.exists("./projects/db.db"): cx = sqlite3.connect("./projects/db.db") cx.text_factory = lambda x: unicode(x, "utf-8", "ignore") c = cx.cursor() c.execute("CREATE TABLE projects (id integer primary key, udid nvarchar(255), vid nvarchar(255), name nvarchar(255), time nvarchar(255))") c.execute( "INSERT INTO projects(udid, vid, name, time) values(?, ?, ?, ?)", ('a3472a95b42e4a40647a1182ac248373a5b5c8ad', 'e0ae60eaf0d19ea9', "test", "i am time") ) cx.commit() else: cx = sqlite3.connect("./projects/db.db") cx.text_factory = lambda x: unicode(x, "utf-8", "ignore") c = cx.cursor() global udid, dataVolumeUUID udid = None dataVolumeUUID = None frame = main(None, -1, _("IOS Forensic Tools for Windows"), (400, 400)) app.MainLoop()
IOS dirty way
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