監視 IBM DB2

    MES-servers.cfg :
    define service{
            use                        generic-service
            host_name                  bdb1
            service_description        DB2
            contact_groups             test-only
            notifications_enabled      1
            check_command              check_db2!-d DBNAME -n ISTNODE -u istname -p istpass
    commands.cfg :
    # 'check_db2' command definition
    define command{
            command_name    check_db2
            command_line    sudo -u db2inst ksh -c "~/bin/check_db_connections.sh $ARG1$ "
    check_db_connections.sh :
    • 必須先安裝 DB2 ADMCL
    • 必須新增 db2 catalog
    • 必須修改 sudoers
    • 此 script 必須放在 DB2 instance 目錄內


    reference to undefined name 'syntax' Exception of type 'MindTouch.Deki.Script.Runtime.DekiScriptUndefinedNameException' was thrown. (click for details)
    • 必須先安裝 DB2 ADMCL
    • 必須新增 db2 catalog
    • 必須修改 sudoers
    • 此 script 必須放在 DB2 instance 目錄內
    reference to undefined name 'syntax' Exception of type 'MindTouch.Deki.Script.Runtime.DekiScriptUndefinedNameException' was thrown. (click for details)
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