編譯 G72X codec

    G.723 and G.729 for Asterisk 11

    You should compile Asterisk 11, so prepare your PC/server for it. Install development packages, get Asterisk 11 source, compile and install it.

    Suppose you don’t want to install Asterisk 11 in your PC/server. You can configure and compile Asterisk 11, but don’t need to install it. After that you can continue compile the codec.

    Now, assumed you have compiled Asterisk 11 and install it in /opt/asterisk on your PC/server.

    Follow below steps to compile codec g723 and g729:

    wget -c http://asterisk.hosting.lv/src/asterisk-g72x-1.1.tar.bz2
    tar -jxf asterisk-g72x-1.1.tar.bz2
    cd asterisk-g72x-1.1/
    ./configure --with-asterisk-includes=/opt/asterisk/include --with-asterisk100 --enable-pentium4 --with-itu
    cd .libs
    ls -l *.so

    Copy codec_g723.so and codec_g729.so to your Asterisk 11 modules directory.

    Should you use not a Pentium 4 compatible just replace –enable-pentium4 with your PC/server architecture. Get options by running ./configure –help in the codec source directory asterisk-g72x-1.1.

    These are complete steps when you don’t want to install Asterisk 11 but need to compile the codec.

    apt-get install build-essential
    wget -c http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/asterisk/asterisk-11-current.tar.gz
    tar -zxf asterisk-11-current.tar.gz
    cd asterisk-11.4.0
    ./configure --disable-xmldoc
    cd ../
    wget -c http://asterisk.hosting.lv/src/asterisk-g72x-1.1.tar.bz2
    tar -jxf asterisk-g72x-1.1.tar.bz2
    cd asterisk-g72x-1.1/
    ./configure --with-asterisk-includes=../asterisk-11.4.0/include --with-asterisk100 --enable-pentium4 --with-itu
    cd .libs
    ls -l *.so

    Q & A


    autoreconf: failed to run aclocal: No such file or directory

    解答:apt-get insatll automake


    configure.ac:11: warning: macro `AM_PROG_LIBTOOL' not found in library

    解答:apt-get install libtool

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