重建 VM 的定義檔 (myvm.vmdk)

    1. 1. 說明
    2. 2. 重建 myvm.vmdk


    一個完整的 VM 必須包含有兩個檔案:

    1. myvm.vmdk : VM 定義檔,可直接編輯
    2. myvm-flat.vmdk : 實際的 VM 映像檔

    如果有發生 VM 啟動失敗,而原因是 VM 定義檔遺失。
    以 esxconsole.vmdk 為例 (esxconsole 是 ESX 主機在開機時必須要使用的虛擬系統)


    1. 從備份檔或另一部有類似硬體且安裝類似 ESX 版本的機器,取得同一個檔案
    2. 如果無法執行第一項,可以重新建立它

    官方教學: Recreating a missing virtual machine disk (VMDK) descriptor file (1002511)

    重建 myvm.vmdk

    切換到 VM 的檔案目錄

    # cd /vmfs/volumes/4d9eab94-5b35e5a5.../esxconsole-4d9eaabc-6870-.../
    # ls -l
    -rw------- 1 root root 7973371904 Mar 12 11:48 esxconsole-flat.vmdk
    # vmkfstools -c 7973371904 -a buslogic -d thin temp.vmdk
    # rm temp-flat.vmdk
    # mv temp.vmdk esxconsole.vmdk


    vmkfstools -c <temp-flat.vmdk 的 size> -a <虛擬裝置類型 buslogic 或 lsilogic> -d thin temp.vmdk
    -d  thin 這可以減少產生 temp-flat.vmdk 所耗用的空間

    如果是一般 ESX 內所建立的 VM 很有可能是 lsilogic,可以檢查 .vmx
    如果是 ESX 核心所用的 esxconsole,就可能是 buslogic

    編輯 esxconsole.vmdk:

    # Disk DescriptorFile

    # Extent description
    RW 8388608 VMFS "esxconsole-flat.vmdk" <== 編輯

    # The Disk Data Base

    ddb.virtualHWVersion = "4"
    ddb.geometry.cylinders = "522"
    ddb.geometry.heads = "255"
    ddb.geometry.sectors = "63"
    ddb.adapterType = "buslogic"
    ddb.thinProvisioned = "1"
    <== 刪除

    確認 esxconsole.vmdk 是否可用

    for ESX 5.x

    # vmkfstools -e filename.vmdk
    For a complete chain, you see output similar to:
    Disk chain is consistent
    For a broken chain, you will see a summary of the snapshot chain and then an output similar to:
    Disk  chain is not consistent : The parent virtual disk has been modified  since the child was created. The content ID of the parent virtual disk  does not match the corresponding parent content ID in the child (18)

    for ESX 3.5/4.x

    # vmkfstools -q filename.vmdk
    For a complete chain, you see output similar to:
    filename.vmdk is not an rdm
    For a broken chain, you see output similar to:
    Failed to open 'test-000001.vmdk' : The parent virtual disk has been modified since the child was created (18)
    Note: The primary purpose of the vmkfstools -q command is(from the vmkfstools help page: vmkfstools -h): -q --queryrdm. This command will identify any issues with the snapshot chain, not its intended purpose, which is to identify if the vmdk disk is a raw device mapping.
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    Recreating a missing virtual machine disk (VMDK) descriptor file
    200.34 KB18:00, 11 Mar 2013alang動作
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