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Install Asterisk/FreePBX on SheevaPlug


    1. 先決條件: SheevaPlug須設定從USB或SDHC端開機, 開機端OS為Debian Squeeze且為新安裝
    2. USB端可使用usb stick隨身碟或usb hd, 若使用usb hd時,hd須自備電源
    3. 為避免安裝途中發生意外錯誤或中斷, 安裝前須先將開機端整個作業系統image備份救援用
    4. 將下列Code 1虛線內整個script用記事本存為asterisk1435檔名
    5. 用winscp將asterisk1435檔複製到Debian Squeeze之root目錄,記得把asterisk1435.txt之副檔名.txt刪除
    6. 整個asterisk1435 script腳本安裝所需時間大約為1小時15分,安裝後佔用USB空間約為0.7G
    7. 執行指令須有root權限
    8. 安裝完畢後會自動顯示FreePBX之IP位址,帳號及密碼,要記起來,另有密碼包在/root/passwords,須妥慎保管
    9. 安裝完成後reboot重新啟動, 確認無誤
    Code 1: asterisk1435
    # Asterisk/FreePBX Install Script on SheevaPlug Debian Squeeze (For USB Drive or SDHC use but not for internal NAND)
    # Re-Written By Jack Lin, on Nov. 1, 2010
    # Originally based on a script by Stephen Brown - http://www.k1lnx.net/wiki/
    # This script installs the version of Asterisk 1.4.35, dahdi-linux-complete- and FreePBX 2.7.0 on a new install of Debian "Squeeze".
    # You should be aware of that
    # If you don't like the Asterisk version outline above you can change it to any version as you wish between Asterisk1.4 and Asterisk1.6.
    # FreePBX version will fit from 2.6 to 2.7.
    # As for DAHDI Linux/DAHDI Tools you'd better stick with dahdi-linux-complete-2.4.0+2.4.0, dahdi-linux-complete- or dahdi-linux-complete-2.2.1+2.2.1 because the others will probably cause a high cpu usage issue in SheevaPlug. Or you can comment it out if you don't use Meetme conferencing.
    # Must be run with superuser privileges.
    # Script functions
    # Random password generator function
    # This may not be the most secure method as it makes use of /dev/urandom but can generate random passwords nonetheless :)
    df -h
    function passwd ()
        passwds=(`cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc "a-zA-Z0-9" | fold -w 10 | head -n 5`)
        MYSQL_ROOT_PW=`echo ${passwds[1]}`
        ASTERISK_DB_PW=`echo ${passwds[2]}`
        ASTERISK_MGR_PW=`echo ${passwds[3]}`
        ARI_PW=`echo ${passwds[4]}`
        echo "# Make sure to keep these in a safe place!!!" > /root/passwords
        echo "MySQL root password is: $MYSQL_ROOT_PW" >> /root/passwords
        echo "Asterisk database password is: $ASTERISK_DB_PW" >> /root/passwords
        echo "Asterisk manager portal password is: $ASTERISK_MGR_PW" >> /root/passwords
        echo "ARI password is: $ARI_PW" >> /root/passwords
        echo "Random passwords generated..."
        # encrypt the password file with gpg
        # This may not be a good idea. I would like to encrypt the final password file, but they can easily be seen in their respective config files anyhow
        echo "Encrypting file, please enter a password you will remember for decryption!"
        echo "The file WILL NOT be recoverable without it due to the use of strong encryption!"
        echo "Press return when ready: " ;read input
        gpg -c /root/passwords
        rm /root/passwords
        mkdir /root/passwords
        mv passwords.gpg /root/passwords
        echo "To decrypt this file run gpg passwords.gpg and supply the password you used to encrypt the file originally when asked" > /root/passwords/README.passwords
    # Yes/No function for script interaction
    function promptyn ()
            echo -n "$1 [y/N]? "
            read ANSWER
        if [ ! -z $ANSWER ]
                   if [ $ANSWER = Y ] || [ $ANSWER = y ]
    # Intro text
    echo "This script installs the version of Asterisk 1.4.35, Asterisk Addons-1.4.11, FreePBX 2.7.0, libpri and dahdi-linux-complete-"
    echo "It will first update/upgrade any packages, and then (optionally) install the OpenSSH server and client. This is highly recommended"
    echo "Press return to continue, Ctrl-C to abort: " ;read input
    # Password generation
    echo "Random passwords for all applications will now be generated and placed in /root/passwords"
    echo "File will be encrypted for your protection!!!"
    echo "Press enter to continue: " ;read input
    # Ensure package directory up to date and system upgraded
    promptyn "Preparing to run package updates. Would you like to install the OpenSSH server and client?"
        if [ "$ANSWER" = "N" ] ; then
            echo "OpenSSH server will NOT be installed, press enter to continue" ;read input
    apt-get -y update
    apt-get -y dist-upgrade
    # Variables
    IP_ADDRESS=`ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'`
    # Retrieve utilities and set debconf to noninteractive front-end
    apt-get -y install debconf-utils
    debconf-set-selections <<CONF_EOF
    debconf debconf/frontend select noninteractive
    # Install mysql server
    apt-get -y install mysql-server-5.1
    # Configure mysql root password
    mysqladmin -u root password ${MYSQL_ROOT_PW}
    # Set debconf back to normal interactive front-end
    debconf-set-selections <<CONF_EOF
    debconf debconf/frontend select Dialog
    # Install the dependencies for Asterisk
    apt-get -y install ssh kernel-package g++ libncurses5-dev linux-libc-dev sqlite libnewt-dev libusb-dev zlib1g-dev libmysqlclient-dev libsqlite0-dev php5 mysql-server-5.1 php-pear php5-mysql php-db php5-gd linux-headers-$(uname -r) bison openssl libssl-dev libeditline0 libeditline-dev libedit-dev gcc make mc php5-cli sox
    # Download and extract Astersik and Asterisk-related files
    mkdir -p /usr/src/asterisk
    cd /usr/src/asterisk
    wget http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/asterisk/old-releases/asterisk-1.4.35.tar.gz
    wget http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/asterisk/asterisk-addons-1.4-current.tar.gz
    wget http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/dahdi-linux-complete/releases/dahdi-linux-complete-
    # wget http://downloads.digium.com/pub/libpri/libpri-1.4-current.tar.gz
    tar xfvz asterisk-1.4.35.tar.gz
    tar xfvz asterisk-addons-1.4-current.tar.gz
    tar xfvz dahdi-linux-complete-
    # tar xfvz libpri-1.4-current.tar.gz
    rm asterisk-1.4.35.tar.gz
    rm asterisk-addons-1.4-current.tar.gz
    rm dahdi-linux-complete-
    # rm libpri-1.4-current.tar.gz
    # Install Libpri
    # cd `find . -name "libpri-1.4.*" -print`
    # make clean
    # make
    # make install
    # cd ..
    # Install DADHI
    cd `find . -name "dahdi-linux-complete-2.2.*" -print`
    make all
    make install
    make config
    cd ..
    # Install Asterisk 1.4
    # In Asterisk Module and Build Option Selection, You can simply go with the defaults and press Exit - this will install all that is needed.
    # Or you can chose to install extra language and sound files in 12. Core Sound Packages, 13. Music On Hold File Packages and 14. Extras Sound Packages for better quality audio, and to avoid transcoding sound files.
    cd `find . -name "asterisk-1.4.*" -print`
    make clean
    ./configure --disable-xmldoc
    sed -i 's/PROC=armv5tel/PROC=arm/g' /usr/src/asterisk/asterisk-1.4.*/makeopts
    make menuselect
    make install
    make samples
    make progdocs
    make config
    cd ..
    # Install Asterisk Addons
    # In asterisk-Addons module selection, make sure to deselect H323 in channel drivers.
    # Press Esc to return to the main menu, then x to save your changes. The install will continue.
    cd `find . -name "asterisk-addons-1.4.*" -print`
    make clean
    make menuselect
    make install
    cd ../../
    # Create asterisk user and group, adding to www-data group for apache server
    adduser asterisk --disabled-password --gecos "asterisk PBX"
    adduser www-data asterisk
    # Fix up apache configuration to run as asterisk user
    cp /etc/apache2/apache2.conf /etc/apache2/apache2.conf-orig
    sed -i "s/\(^User *\)\(.*\)/\1asterisk/" /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
    sed -i "s/\(^Group *\)\(.*\)/\1asterisk/" /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
    # Patch safe_asterisk script to use bash
    sed -i "s|#!/bin/sh|#!/bin/bash|" /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk
    # Add dummy timing device for asterisk
    modprobe dahdi_dummy
    # Download and unpack freepbx
    wget http://mirror.freepbx.org/freepbx-${FREEPBX_VERSION}.tar.gz
    tar xfvz freepbx-${FREEPBX_VERSION}.tar.gz
    rm freepbx-${FREEPBX_VERSION}.tar.gz
    # Add Asterisk startup item
    cat > /etc/init.d/asterisk <<-END_STARTUP
    set -e
    set -a
    test -x \$DAEMON || exit 0
    d_start() {
        amportal start
    d_stop() {
        amportal stop
    d_reload() {
        amportal restart
    case "\$1" in
        echo -n "Starting \$DESC: \$NAME"
        echo "."
        echo -n "Stopping \$DESC: \$NAME"
        echo "."
        echo -n "Restarting \$DESC: \$NAME"
        sleep 10
        echo "."
        echo "Usage: \$SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
        exit 3
    exit 0
    chmod 755 /etc/init.d/asterisk
    update-rc.d asterisk defaults 90 10
    # Configure freepbx
    cd freepbx-${FREEPBX_VERSION}
    # Setup databases for freepbx use
    mysqladmin -u root -p${MYSQL_ROOT_PW} create asterisk
    mysqladmin -u root -p${MYSQL_ROOT_PW} create asteriskcdrdb
    mysql -u root -p${MYSQL_ROOT_PW} asterisk < SQL/newinstall.sql
    mysql -u root -p${MYSQL_ROOT_PW} asteriskcdrdb < SQL/cdr_mysql_table.sql
    mysql -u root -p${MYSQL_ROOT_PW} <<-END_PRIVS
            GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON asterisk.* TO asteriskuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "${ASTERISK_DB_PW}";
            GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON asteriskcdrdb.* TO asteriskuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "${ASTERISK_DB_PW}";
            flush privileges;
    # Reconfigure php for freepbx
    cp /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini-orig
    sed -i "s/\(upload_max_filesize *= *\)\(.*\)/\120M/" /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
    sed -i "s/\(memory_limit *= *\)\(.*\)/\1128M/" /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
    #sed -i "s/\(magic_quotes_gpc *= *\)\(.*\)/\1Off/" /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
    sed -i 's/;suhosin.memory_limit = 0/suhosin.memory_limit = 134217728/' /etc/php5/conf.d/suhosin.ini
    # Fix up directory use and permissions for asterisk
    chown asterisk:asterisk /var/run/asterisk
    chown asterisk:asterisk -R /etc/asterisk
    chown asterisk:asterisk -R /var/lib/asterisk
    chown asterisk:asterisk -R /var/log/asterisk
    chown asterisk:asterisk -R /var/spool/asterisk
    chown asterisk:asterisk -R /var/www
    sed -i "s/\[directories\](!) .*/[directories]/" /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
    sed -i "s|astrundir *=> */var/run|astrundir => /var/run/asterisk|" /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
    # Fix mohmp3
    #mkdir -p /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
    #cp /var/lib/asterisk/moh/* /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
    ln -s /var/lib/asterisk/moh /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
    #chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
    #chmod -R ug+rwx,o+rx-w /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
    # Start Asterisk
    ./start_asterisk start
    # Configure amportal
    cp amportal.conf /etc/amportal.conf
    sed -i "s/# \(AMPDBUSER=asteriskuser\) */\1/" /etc/amportal.conf
    sed -i "s/# \(AMPDBPASS=\).*/\1${ASTERISK_DB_PW}/" /etc/amportal.conf
    sed -i "s/AUTHTYPE=none/AUTHTYPE=database/" /etc/amportal.conf
    sed -i "s|\(AMPWEBROOT=\)/var/www/html|\1/var/www|" /etc/amportal.conf
    sed -i "s|\(FOPWEBROOT=\)/var/www/html/panel|\1/var/www/panel|" /etc/amportal.conf
    sed -i "/#AMPWEBADDRESS=" /etc/amportal.conf
    sed -i "s/AMPWEBADDRESS=/AMPWEBADDRESS=${IP_ADDRESS}/" /etc/amportal.conf
    # Change default manager password
    sed -i "s/secret = amp111/secret = ${ASTERISK_MGR_PW}/" /etc/asterisk/manager.conf
    sed -i "s/AMPMGRPASS=amp111/AMPMGRPASS=${ASTERISK_MGR_PW}/" /etc/amportal.conf
    # Enable DAHDI for FreePBX
    sed -i "s/# ZAP2DAHDICOMPAT=true|false/ZAP2DAHDICOMPAT=true/" /etc/amportal.conf
    # Install amp
    # Fix and start apache web server
    echo "
    ServerName Debian
    " >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
    /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
    # Start amportal
    amportal start
    # Set ARI admin password
    sed -i "s/ari_password/${ARI_PW}/" /var/www/recordings/includes/main.conf.php
    # Setup log rotation
    touch /etc/logrotate.d/asterisk
    echo "
    /var/log/asterisk/*log {
       rotate 5
       create 0640 asterisk asterisk
           /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx 'logger reload' > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
    /var/log/asterisk/full {
       rotate 5
       create 0640 asterisk asterisk
           /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx 'logger reload' > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
    /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/*csv {
       rotate 5
       create 0640 asterisk asterisk
    /var/log/atftp.log {
       rotate 5
       create 0640 nobody nobody
    "  > /etc/logrotate.d/asterisk
    echo "Complete. You can access FreePBX at http://$IP_ADDRESS/admin"
    echo "Login using username asteriskuser and password $ASTERISK_DB_PW"
    df -h
    Code 2: 開始安裝
    cd /root
    chmod +x asterisk1435
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