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iSCSI - Dell EqualLogic PS5000


    iSCSI - Dell EqualLogic PS5000
    如同 EMC + VMware ,Dell Equallogic 主要也可以直接搭配 XenServer 來使用,所以我也將這一台  Dell EqualLogic PS5000 當成 XenServer 的儲存端 SRs(Storage Repositories) ,但是一連接上去就出問題了 "SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_170 - Equallogic Target versiob unsupported"!!

    上網查了一下原來 EqualLogic 要當 XenServer 5.0 的 SRs(Storage Repositories) 必須為 4.0.1. 以上的版本才能使用.因為不是自己買的所以現在還在等待經銷商的 firmware.


    這一台 Dell EqualLogic PS5000 是跟廠商借來試用看看的.Dell EqualLogic PS5000 是一台什麼東西呢!!!他是一台 "純" iSCSI 的 SAN,詳細配備請看官方網站.
    機器送來之後慌了要怎麼開始,要透過什麼去連接呢!!看到後面背板有3個 Gega Byte Ethernet,和一個 Serial Port.沒人知道要怎麼連接,記得上一次 Dell 的 Sales 講的好像很簡單什麼東西都不用設定已經完成了所有設定.幸好隔天經銷商就送來使用光碟,看了一下如果你的 Client 是 Windows 會有一套軟體可以使用.(HIT) Host Integration Tools ,使用上也很簡單設定一下就可以開始用了!!如果你的控置端是非 Windows 系統(如 Linux)就需要透過 Serial port 去設定了!!

    • 9600 baud
    • 1 STOP bit
    • No parity
    • 8 data bits
    • No hardware flow control

    Dell EqualLogic - update firmware
    因為先前的版本不能在 XenServer 下使用(EqualLogic firmware 4.0.1. 以上的版本才能使用)所以跟廠商要了新版的 firmware 更新方式也很簡單,不過更新只能透過 serial port 或是透過 telnet / SSH 去連接 Ethernet port(Group IP address 不適用) 使用 CLI 方式更新.

    firmware 的檔案名稱為 kit-verion.tgz 如果是拿到 .zip 記得將他先解開.

    接下來要找一台 Host 具有 ftp client 功能的 Desktop / Server 皆可!! EqualLogic 預設有開啟 FTP Server 的功能,而且這是唯一能將firmware 上載到 EqualLogic 的唯一方式!!假設我的 EqualLogic IP 為


    [root@benjr ~]# ftp
    #Name 就使用 grpadmin 密碼就要看當初所設定的.
    Connected to
    220 FTP server (NetBSD-ftpd 20040809) ready.
    502 RFC 2228 authentication not implemented.
    502 RFC 2228 authentication not implemented.
    KERBEROS_V4 rejected as an authentication type
    Name ( grpadmin
    331 Password required for grpadmin.
    230 User grpadmin logged in.
    Remote system type is UNIX.
    Using binary mode to transfer files.
    #傳統 FTP 傳送會分兩種模式一是 ASCII 也就是純文字方式,另外一種就是傳送非文字檔的 binary 模式!!
    ftp> binary
    200 Type set to I.
    #要上載到 EqualLogic 使用 "put" 要從 EqualLogic 下載請用 "get" ,接下來的 kit_V4.0.5-R86146_2833425448.tgz 是 FTP client 的 firmware 檔名接下來即是上傳後儲存在 EqualLogic 的名稱.
    ftp> put kit_V4.0.5-R86146_2833425448.tgz kit_V4.0.5-R86146_2833425448.tgz

    local: kit_V4.0.5-R86146_2833425448.tgz remote: kit_V4.0.5-R86146_2833425448.tgz
    227 Entering Passive Mode (192,8,1,6,255,254)
    150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 'kit_V4.0.5-R86146_2833425448.tgz'.
    226 Transfer complete.
    7117 bytes sent in 3.00016 seconds

    ftp> close
        Data traffic for this session was 0 bytes in 0 files.
        Total traffic for this session was 428 bytes in 0 transfers.
    221 Thank you for using the FTP service on
    ftp> bye

    回到 EqualLogic 執行 "update" 更新 firmware.EqualLogic 預設的 Serial port 設定如下.

    • 9600 baud
    • 1 STOP bit
    • No parity
    • 8 data bits
    • No hardware flow control


    login: grpadmin

               Welcome to Group Manager

            Copyright 2001-2008 Dell, Inc.

    SIT> update

    This command will update the firmware on the array's flash card memory
    using the update kit file that was copied to the array.

    If you choose to proceed, you will be shown the current firmware version
    and the version to which you will update.  You will then be given the
    choice to proceed again.

    The firmware update will not take effect until you restart the array.

    Do you want to proceed (y/n) [y]: y

    #按下 "y" 確定要執行 update 的動作.

    10:13:03 Updating from kit file "kit_V4.0.5-R86146_2833425448.tgz"
    10:13:03 Unpacking kit file and verifying integrity.
    10:13:12 Kit file verification complete, no problems.
    10:13:16 Please note:
    10:13:16 Only one control module was detected.  If the array has two installed
    10:13:16 control modules, do not perform the update until you correct the problem
    10:13:16 that is preventing the array from detecting both control modules.
    10:13:16 Otherwise, only one control module will be updated.
    10:13:18    Currently running version is:   Storage Array Firmware V3.3.1 (R68703)
    10:13:18 You will be updating to version:   Storage Array Firmware V4.0.5 (R86146)
    10:13:18 PLEASE NOTE:
    10:13:18 You are upgrading from firmware version V3.3.1 to version V4.0.5.
    10:13:18 You will NOT be able to downgrade back to V3.3.1 once the
    10:13:18 upgrade is finished.
    Do you want to proceed (y/n) [n]: y

    #按下 "y" 去執行 update 的動作.

    10:13:24 Preparing to update active controller.
    10:15:11 Updating flash memory on active controller.
    10:15:11 This will take several minutes.
    1+0 records in
    1+0 records out
    512 bytes transferred in 0.001 secs (512000 bytes/sec)
    10:17:18 Update of flash memory on active controller completed.
    10:17:18 Update completed successfully.
    10:17:18 PLEASE NOTE:
    10:17:18 After the array restarts, I/O and group management operations
    10:17:18 resume.  However, ongoing upgrade operations will delay the
    10:17:18 login prompt on the console.  Do not shut down or restart
    10:17:18 the array until the login prompt appears on the console.
    10:17:18 This should take approximately 10 minutes.
    10:17:18 The firmware update will take effect when the array is restarted. To
    10:17:18 restart the array, enter the restart command at the CLI prompt.
    SIT> 787:0:logevent: 5-May-2009 22:17:18.400001:logevent.c:242:INFO:30.2.4:Array firmware update from version V3.3.1 to V4.0.

    SIT> restart
    Do you really want to restart the system? (yes/no) [no]:yes

    firmware 更新需要重新開機才會生效.重心開機的指令為 "restart",關機前先檢視一下是否目前還有 iSCSI Initiator 連接到這一台的 group volumes.iSCSI Initiator 最好是先行離線再關機.開機後重新登入 EqualLogic

    在 GUI Web 可以在 leftmost panel 的 members list / member name 的 right panel Controllers tab 看到目前 firmware 版本!!

    在 CLI 可以使用指令 member select member_name show controllers 看到目前 firmware 版本!!


    SIT> member select member_name show controllers
    ___________________________ Controller Information ___________________________
    SlotID: 0                                                       Status: active                        
    Model: 70-0111(TYPE 4)                           BatteryStatus: ok                     
    ProcessorTemperature: 59                       ChipsetTemperature: 27                
    LastBootTime: 2009-05-06:10:19:51      SerialNumber: RMS83308A03559B         
    Manufactured: 2408                                   ECOLevel: C02                         
    CM Rev.: R07                                             FW Rev.: Storage Array Firmware V4.0.5 (R86146)
    NVRAM Battery: good                                                         
    BootRomVersion: 7.0.0                            BootRomBuilDate: Wed Dec 19 01:50:35   EST 2007                                                                
    ______________________________ Cache Information ___________________________
    CacheMode: write-back                  Controller-Safe: disabled             
    Low-Battery-Safe: enabled                                                     

    firmware 更新後就可以透過 XenServer 去連接 Dell EqualLogic

    Dell EqualLogic + XenServer
    之前在使用 XenServer 時就發現再新增 Storage Repository 有一個很特別的選項就是 "Dell EqualLogic" 原來這是一台 iSCSI 的裝置,也剛好最近跟廠商借來用用看,發現 XenServer + EqualLogic 其實還算是一個不錯的搭配.只要透過 3 個步驟就可以將 EqualLogic 整合到 XenServer 上使用!!不需要再透過 Web 的方式去設定硬碟大小以及指定 Initiator 端,完全都可以在 XenCenter 上直接使用.
    選擇新增 "New Storage" 並在 "virtual Disk Storage" 選擇 Dell EqualLogic.

    輸入 Dell EqualLogic 的 IP / Username / Password.Username 就使用 grpadmin , IP/Password 就要看當初所設定的

    這是環境的第一台所以選擇 "Create a new SR"

    我們可以勾選 Thin Provisioning 的這一項功能功能,啟動後分配給該 Volume 的容量將是邏輯容量並不會真實占據 Dell EqualLogic 的空間.,而系統會依據實際資料量逐步將空間分配給該 Volume ,已讓該儲存裝置資源的利用率可大為提昇.
    在新增 Disk 時就可以看到多了一個選擇 " Dell EqualLogic virtual disk storage"

    下面這個連結是 Dell EqualLogic 的官方網站用影片檔來說明如何將 XenServer + EqualLogic 整合在一起,是個不過是英文的就是了.

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