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Migrate OVMM between two hosts


    Migrate OVMM to a different server

    官方手冊:Administrator's Guide for Release 3.3 第五章 Backing up and Restoring Oracle VM Components

    For whatever reason you ever need to migrate an OVM Manager to a different host this would be helpful. I can’t imagine that this would need to happen that often but I recently did need to cut it over from a Virtualbox instance to an OVM Hypervisor. This is the OVM 3.2.1 local mysql(not Oracle XE) DB version.

    Find the source UUID:

    # more /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/.config

    Copy recent backup and stage on new host. You can make a manual mysql backup or I just used the latest Auto backup:

    # tar cpf a.tar AutoFullBackup-20130501_201957
    # scp a.tar root@

    Some pre-requisites the install would be pointing out:

    # grep oracle /etc/group
    # tail -3 /etc/security/limits.conf
    * soft nofile 16384
    * hard nofile 65536
    # End of file
    [root@hovmmanager a]# ulimit -aH
    open files                      (-n) 65536

    Install Manager on new host using old UUID:

    # pwd
    # ./runInstaller.sh --uuid 0004fb0000010000434a8179cda0edbd
    Oracle VM Manager Release 3.2.1 Installer
    Oracle VM Manager Installer log file:
    Please select an installation type:
       1: Simple (includes database if necessary)
       2: Custom (using existing Oracle database)
       3: Uninstall
       4: Help
       Select Number (1-4): Please enter a valid value
       Select Number (1-4): 1
    Starting production with local database installation ...
    Verifying installation prerequisites ...
    Unable to ping hostname 'hovmmanager.keste.com'.
    *** WARNING: Recommended memory for the Oracle VM Manager server installation using Local MySql DB is 7680 MB RAM
    Group 'dba' does not exist, create user 'oracle' with group 'dba' before installing
    hardnofiles should be set to 8192 but was 4096

    *** OK lets try again. Left above in to show the pre-requisites…

    # ./runInstaller.sh --uuid 0004fb0000010000434a8179cda0edbd
    Oracle VM Manager Release 3.2.1 Installer
    Oracle VM Manager Installer log file:
    Please select an installation type:
       1: Simple (includes database if necessary)
       2: Custom (using existing Oracle database)
       3: Uninstall
       4: Help
       Select Number (1-4): 1
    Starting production with local database installation ...
    Verifying installation prerequisites ...
    One password is used for all users created and used during the installation.
    Enter a password for all logins used during the installation:
    Enter a password for all logins used during the installation (confirm):
    Verifying configuration ...
    Start installing the configured components:
       1: Continue
       2: Abort
       Select Number (1-2): 1
    Step 1 of 9 : Database Software...
    Installing Database Software...
    Retrieving MySQL Database 5.5 ...
    Unzipping MySQL RPM File ...
    Installing MySQL 5.5 RPM package ...
    Configuring MySQL Database 5.5 ...
    Installing MySQL backup RPM package ...
    Step 2 of 9 : Java ...
    Installing Java ...
    Step 3 of 9 : Database schema ...
    Creating database 'ovs' ...
    Creating user 'ovs' for database 'ovs'...
    Step 4 of 9 : WebLogic ...
    Retrieving Oracle WebLogic Server 11g ...
    Installing Oracle WebLogic Server 11g ...
    Step 5 of 9 : ADF ...
    Retrieving Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) ...
    Unzipping Oracle ADF ...
    Installing Oracle ADF ...
    Installing Oracle ADF Patch...
    Step 6 of 9 : Oracle VM  ...
    Retrieving Oracle VM Manager Application ...
    Extracting Oracle VM Manager Application ...
    Installing Oracle VM Manager Core ...
    Step 7 of 9 : Domain creation ...
    Creating Oracle WebLogic Server domain ...
    Starting Oracle WebLogic Server 11g ...
    Configuring data source 'OVMDS' ...
    Creating Oracle VM Manager user 'admin' ...
    Step 8 of 9 : Deploy ...
    Deploying Oracle VM Manager Core container ...
    Deploying Oracle VM Manager UI Console ...
    Deploying Oracle VM Manager Help ...
    Granting ovm-admin role to user 'admin' ...
    Set Log Rotation ...
    Disabling HTTP and enabling HTTPS...
    Configuring Https Identity and Trust...
    Configuring Weblogic parameters...
    Step 9 of 9 : Oracle VM Manager Shell ...
    Retrieving Oracle VM Manager Shell & API ...
    Extracting Oracle VM Manager Shell & API ...
    Installing Oracle VM Manager Shell & API ...
    Retrieving Oracle VM Manager Upgrade tool ...
    Extracting Oracle VM Manager Upgrade tool ...
    Installing Oracle VM Manager Upgrade tool ...
    Retrieving Oracle VM Manager CLI tool ...
    Extracting Oracle VM Manager CLI tool...
    Installing Oracle VM Manager CLI tool ...
    Copying Oracle VM Manager shell to '/usr/bin/ovm_shell.sh' ...
    Installing ovm_admin.sh in '/u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/bin' ...
    Installing ovm_upgrade.sh in '/u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/bin' ...
    Enabling Oracle VM Manager service ...
    Shutting down Oracle VM Manager instance ...
    Restarting Oracle VM Manager instance ...
    Waiting for the application to initialize ...
    Oracle VM Manager is running ...
    Oracle VM Manager installed.
    Please wait while WebLogic configures the applications... This can take up to 5 minutes.
    Installation Summary
    Database configuration:
      Database type               : MySQL
      Database host name          : localhost
      Database name               : ovs
      Database listener port      : 49500
      Database user               : ovs
    Weblogic Server configuration:
      Administration username     : weblogic
    Oracle VM Manager configuration:
      Username                    : admin
      Core management port        : 54321
      UUID                        : 0004fb0000010000434a8179cda0edbd
    There are no default passwords for any users. The passwords to use for Oracle VM Manager, Database, and Oracle WebLogic Server have been set by you during this installation. In the case of a default install, all passwords are the same.
    Oracle VM Manager UI:
    Log in with the user 'admin', and the password you set during the installation.
    Please note that you need to install tightvnc-java on this computer to access a virtual machine's console.
    For more information about Oracle Virtualization, please visit:
    Oracle VM Manager installation complete.
    Please remove configuration file /tmp/ovm_configBltiZ5.

    Restore DB:

    # pwd
    # mv /root/AutoFullBackup-20130501_201957/ ./
    # /etc/init.d/ovmm stop
    Stopping Oracle VM Manager                                 [  OK  ]
    # /etc/init.d/ovmm_mysql stop
    Shutting down OVMM MySQL..
    # su - oracle
    $ bash /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/ovm_shell/tools/RestoreDatabase.sh AutoFullBackup-20130501_201957
    INFO: Expanding the backup image...
    INFO: Applying logs to the backup snapshot...
    INFO: Restoring the backup...
    INFO: Success - Done!
    INFO: Log of operations performed is available at: /u01/app/oracle/mysql/dbbackup/AutoFullBackup-20130501_201957/Restore.log
          As 'root', please start the OVM Manager database and application using:
                   service ovmm_mysql start; service ovmm start
    $ logout
    # /etc/init.d/ovmm_mysql start
    Starting OVMM MySQL..                                      [  OK  ]
    # /etc/init.d/ovmm start
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