Q & A

    版本為 13:10, 22 Feb 2025


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    Q: How to get help

    For example: ORA-01659

    #> oerr ora 1659

    For example: IMP-00032

    #> oerr imp 32

    Q:[ORA-39083] 使用 impdp 匯入資料庫時,到最後一個步驟時,發現系統 hang 問題

    Ans: 當執行到這個步驟時,整個系統出現 hang 問題

    ORA-39083: Object type INDEX_STATISTICS failed to create with error

    方法一:impdp 加上 EXCLUDE=statistics

    $ impdp system SCHEMAS=<source-owner> REMAP_SCHEMA=<source-owner>:<target-owner> table_exists_action=replace DIRECTORY=dmp_dir DUMPFILE=expdp_SOURCE_OWNER.dmp LOGFILE=impdp_TARGET_OWNER.log EXCLUDE=statistics
    $ sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> exec dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats('<target-owner>'); 


    Q: 使用 OEM UI 新增 datafile 時,不小心加錯 Tablespace,如何移除它?

    Ans: 在 OEM UI(Java)操作下無法刪除 datafile,但可以用指令方式來作

    SQL> alter tablespace <tablespace-name> drop datafile '/opt/oracle/oradata/win/STDB03.dbf';

    Q: 移除 User 時,DB 發現 hang 問題且 CPU 負載非常高

    Ans: 解決步驟如下:

    1. 嘗試關閉資料庫
    2. 資料庫重啟恢復後
    3. 先移除 User 所屬的所有 Tabls、View等所有物件
    4. 再完整移除整個 User

    如果連 SQL/PLUS 都無法有效被執行時,如何能強制關閉資料庫

    $sqlplus -prelim "/ as sysdba"
    SQL> shutdown abort 

    移除 User 所屬的物件

    set heading off
    set pages 0
    set feedback off
    set echo off
    spool ./drop_MYUSER.sql
    select 'drop table MYUSER.'||table_name||';' from dba_tables where owner='MYUSER';
    spool off

    移除 User

    drop user USER CASCADE;

    Q: IMP-00032: SQL statement exceeded buffer length

    Ans: Add a option buffer=1000000 in the import command

    #> imp system/oracle buffer=1000000 .....

    If it's still not working, try to find out the proper value of the SQL_LENGTH with the following command:

    In the source DB you need to run

    SQL> select dbms_lob.getlength (dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE','<table-name>','<owner-name>')) "SQL_LENGTH" from dual;

    NOTE: the table name can be one of the tables failed on import.

    Q: ORA-01659: unable to allocate MINEXTENTS beyond 1in tablespace XXX

    Ans: Solution

    1. Extend the datafile in the tablespace
    2. Extend the datafile in the temporary tablespace
    3. Re-export the dump file from the source DB and enable the option compress=n.
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