
    版本為 03:52, 12 Mar 2025


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    DB Parameters

    Check DB parameter

    Method 1:

    show parameters
    show parameters sga
    show parameters sga_target 

    Method 2:

    col name for A20
    col value for A15
    col type for A15
    col issys_modifiable for A15
    SELECT name, value, type, issys_modifiable FROM v$parameter WHERE name like '%sga%';


    - FALSE, need to restart DB
    - IMMEDIATE, no need to restart DB

    Check active sessions

    -- Top 10 CPU consumers in last 5 minutes
    SELECT session_id, session_serial#, count(*)
    FROM v$active_session_history
    WHERE session_state= 'ON CPU' AND
          sample_time > sysdate - interval '5' minute
    GROUP BY session_id, session_serial#
    ORDER BY count(*) desc
    WHERE rownum <= 10;
    -- Top 10 waiting sessions in last 5 minutes
    SELECT session_id, session_serial#, count(*)
    FROM v$active_session_history
    WHERE session_state='WAITING' AND
          sample_time >  sysdate - interval '5' minute
    GROUP BY session_id, session_serial#
    ORDER BY count(*) DESC
    WHERE rownum <= 10; 

    檢查所有物件(VIEW,PACKAGE,PROCEDURE....)的 status

    reference to undefined name 'syntax' Exception of type 'MindTouch.Deki.Script.Runtime.DekiScriptUndefinedNameException' was thrown. (click for details)
    OWNER                          OBJECT_NAME                    OBJECT_TYPE
    ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------
    WINSTDB                        PROC_FDS_700982                VIEW
    WINSTDB                        V_PROCDEF_FDS_700982           VIEW
    WINSTDB                        PROCAVG_FDS_700982             VIEW
    WINSTDB                        V_PROCDEFAVG_FDS_700982        VIEW
    WINSTDB                        PROC_FDS_700984                VIEW
    WINSTDB                        V_PROCDEF_FDS_700984           VIEW
    WINSTDB                        PROCAVG_FDS_700984             VIEW
    WINSTDB                        V_PROCDEFAVG_FDS_700984        VIEW
    WINSTDB                        PROC_FDS_701631                VIEW
    WINSTDB                        V_PROCDEF_FDS_701631           VIEW
    WINSTDB                        PROCAVG_FDS_701631             VIEW

    Check the usage of the temporary tablespaces

    By tablespace:

    reference to undefined name 'syntax' Exception of type 'MindTouch.Deki.Script.Runtime.DekiScriptUndefinedNameException' was thrown. (click for details)
    TABLESPACE                        MB_TOTAL    MB_USED    MB_FREE
    ------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
    TMP_CDB                                500          3        497
    TMP_STDB                              1000          0       1000
    TEMP                                    75          0         75

    By session:

    reference to undefined name 'syntax' Exception of type 'MindTouch.Deki.Script.Runtime.DekiScriptUndefinedNameException' was thrown. (click for details)

    As you can see, there are different segment types. Most of time, SORT is the one we need to check. If you are lucky enough, or the client only have 1 SQL cursor, you will get the SQL hash value in the above result.

    reference to undefined name 'syntax' Exception of type 'MindTouch.Deki.Script.Runtime.DekiScriptUndefinedNameException' was thrown. (click for details)
    • sid =
    ------------- ---------- -------------------------
        887856235      30506                .000196676
       2631006892      30227                .001323276
       3490377209        632                46993.6709 <==
    Powered by MindTouch Core