VtigerCRM with SOAP

    版本為 02:22, 27 Dec 2024


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    VtigerCRM 的 SOAP 整合

    啟用 SOAP 支援

    1. 安裝 PHP Extension SOAP
    2. VtigerCRM 預設是關閉 SOAP 支援的,執行指令將其打開
    cd /var/www/html/vtigercrm/soap
    mv webforms.php.deprecated webforms.php 

    新增 Leads

    create_leads.php :

    reference to undefined name 'syntax' Exception of type 'MindTouch.Deki.Script.Runtime.DekiScriptUndefinedNameException' was thrown. (click for details)


    1. SoapClient, __soapCall 都是 PHP 內建的函數,詳細參閱:http://dk.php.net/SOAP
    2. assigned_user_id 這是要分派此 lead 的 userid。
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