TTY Log(Firmware Log)


    版本為 01:10, 21 Feb 2025


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    TTY Log指的就是LSI的Firmware Debug Log. 他是一種Hardware RAID Logging操作方式. 簡單來說, 可以用一句話來表達:
    HWRAID Logs are sved in NVRAM
    這份Log是被儲存在硬體式NVRAM. NVRAM在LSI RAID Controller中是非常重要的機制, 他實現了幾種操作:
    1. RAID Controller部份組態儲存
    2. Logging建立與追蹤
    3. Write-journaling機制
    比方說, 在LSISAS2108 RoC產品包含了32KB的NVRAM, 而LSISAS2208則是128KB NVRAM. 在這一篇會說明何謂TTY Logging, 要如何使用?!
    甚麼是TTY Logging呢? 下面的簡要描述便說明了他的應用:
    1. TTY Log is a FW transaction log and is held in controller memory and saved to NRAM during power down
    2. Memory resident TTY log is lost during power interruption unless a battery is present
    3. The last three saved TTY log are available in NVRAM

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