
    版本為 02:15, 3 Oct 2024


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    要安裝一個 Raspberry Pi 的基本系統,只需要有兩個步驟。

    1. 下載 pre-installed 的映像檔
    2. 將映像檔寫入 MicroSD 卡



    寫入映像檔至 MicroSD 卡

    Windows:使用 Win32DiskImager 這個免費軟體。


    dd bs=4M if=2015-02-16-raspbian-wheezy.img of=/dev/sdd

    NOTE: 確定 /dev/sdd 路徑是 MicroSD 卡。


    SSH 連線帳號:pi / raspberry

    第一次登入後,執行第一個指令後,會強制執行 raspi-config。


    指令 raspi-config 可以做大部份的系統設定,例如重設密碼、時區、語言等。

    sudo raspi-config

                            Raspberry Pi Software Configuration Tool (raspi-config)

    Setup Options

        1 Expand Filesystem              Ensures that all of the SD card storage is available to the OS
        2 Change User Password           Change password for the default user (pi)
        3 Enable Boot to Desktop/Scratch Choose whether to boot into a desktop environment, Scratch, or the command line
        4 Internationalisation Options   Set up language and regional settings to match your location
        5 Enable Camera                  Enable this Pi to work with the Raspberry Pi Camera
        6 Add to Rastrack                Add this Pi to the online Raspberry Pi Map (Rastrack)
        7 Overclock                      Configure overclocking for your Pi
        8 Advanced Options               Configure advanced settings
        9 About `raspi-config`           Information about this configuration tool

                                       <Select>                                  <Finish>


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