一台 VMware ESX 4.1 主機,經過一次歲修停機後,再次開機時,停在如下的訊息:
* vsd-mount .................................................... [Failed]
You have entered the recovery shell. The situation you are in may be recoverable.
If you are able to fix this situation the boot process will continue normally after you exit this terminal.
/Bin/SH: cant access TTY job control turned off
1. 檢查 /root/messages.log
# tail -50 /root/messages
錯誤顯示檔案 /vmfs/volumes/4d9eab94-5b35e5a5.../esxconsole-4d9eaabc-6870-.../esxconsole.vmdk 找不到
2. 檢查 /etc/vmware/esx.conf,確認 esxconsole.vmdk 的設定路徑
# grep -i cosvmdk /etc/vmware/esx.conf
3. 搜尋檔案 esxconsole.vmdk,確認檔案已經遺失
find /vmfs/volumes/ -name esxconsole.vmdk