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OpenVPN (pfSense 2.0)

    系統環境:pfSense 2.0.1

    安裝 OpenVPN Client Export Utility

    pfSense > System > Packages > Available Packages

    • OpenVPN Client Export Utility

    建立 CA 憑證

    pfSense > System > Cert Manager > CAs > "add" button

    • Descriptive Name: osslab CA
    • Method: Create a internal Certificate Authority
    • Distinguished name:
      • Country Code: TW
      • State: <自訂>
      • City: <自訂>
      • Organization: <自訂>
      • Email: <隨便>
      • Common Name: osslab-ca

    建立 VPN 用戶帳號

    pfSense > System > User Manager > Users > Add user

    • Username: <自訂>
    • Password: <自訂>
    • Full name: <自訂>
    • Expiration date: 空白
    • Click to create a user certificate: 勾選
      • Descriptive name: <自訂,建議與 username 相同>
      • Certificate Authority: <選擇剛剛建立的 CA,osslab CA>
      • Key length: 2048 bits
      • Lifetime: 3650 days
      • Authorized keys: 不選
      • IPsec Pre-Shared Key: 空白

    設定 VPN Server

    pfSense > VPN > OpenVPN -> Wizards

    • Type of Server: Local User Access
    • Certificate Authority: osslab CA
    • Next
    • Choose a Server Certificate >
    • Add new certificate
      • Descriptive name: osslab Server Cert
      • Key length: 2048 bits
      • Lifetime: 3650 days
      • Country code: TW
      • State: <自訂>
      • City: <自訂>
      • Organization: <自訂>
      • Email: <自訂>
      • Create new certificate
        • Descriptive name: osslab remote access
        • TLS Authentication: 勾選
        • Generate TLS Key: 勾選
        • DH Parameters Length: 1024 bit
        • Encryption Algorithm: BF-CBC(128-bit)
        • Tunnel Network:
        • Local Network: <pfSense 所處的 LAN 網段>
        • Concurrent Connections: 2
        • Compression: 勾選
      • Firewall Rule Configuration
        • Traffic from clients to server: 勾選
        • Traffic from clients through VPN: 勾選



    pfSense > VPN > OpenVPN > Client Export > 選擇 User, 下載 Archive (內含憑證檔與 ovpn 設定檔)

    VPN 用戶端上網透過 OpenVPN 做路由(選用)

    pfSense > VPN > OpenVPN > Edit OpenVPN Server

    • Redirect Gateway: 勾選
    • Provide a DNS server list to clients: 勾選,輸入 DNS 主機位址
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