GMail 信箱未讀信件檢查

    1. 1. 延伸閱讀

    檢查 GMail 的未讀信件

    import urllib2
    import base64
    from xml.dom.minidom import parse
    def gmail_unread_count(user, password):
            Takes a Gmail user name and password and returns the unread
            messages count as an integer.
        # Build the authentication string
        b64auth = base64.encodestring("%s:%s" % (user, password))
        auth = "Basic " + b64auth
        # Build the request
        req = urllib2.Request("")
        req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
        handle = urllib2.urlopen(req)
        # Build an XML dom tree of the feed
        dom = parse(handle)
        # Get the "fullcount" xml object
        count_obj = dom.getElementsByTagName("fullcount")[0]
        # get its text and convert it to an integer
        return int(count_obj.firstChild.wholeText)
    unreadMail = gmail_unread_count("gmail_user", "gmail_pass")
    print unreadMail


    gmail_user, gmail_pass gmail 帳號密碼

    注意: 如果 Google 帳戶有啟用 2-steps authentication,上述的密碼必須使用 Google APP 專用密碼

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