A2Billing 錯誤訊息

    Issue: 檢查 CallPlan RateCard Customer 都正常但仍無法撥出,錯誤訊息如下

    [file:Class.A2Billing.php - line:1017 - uniqueid:1336550668.1]:[CallerID:7008374947]:[CN:7008374947]:[ERROR ::> RateEngine didnt succeed to match the dialed number over the ratecard (Please check : id the ratecard is well create ; if the removeInter_Prefix is set according to your prefix in the ratecard ; if you hooked the ratecard to the Call Plan)]


    1. 可能是新增 Rate 時比 Customer 還晚,故造成對應錯誤,重新建一個 Customer 或到該 Customer 再按一次 CONFIRM DATA 試試。
    2. 檢查 Rates > RateCards > EXPIRY DATE 是否正確
    Issue: 新增 Customer 時,出現錯誤: Your new Card hasn't been inserted.

    Solution: 依下列順序確認

    1. 檢查 /etc/a2billing.conf 的 DB 連線資訊是否正確
    2. 可能 DB 有某種異常,執行修復指令
      mysql_fix_privilege_tables --password=<DB root's password>
    3. 再不行就修改 /etc/my.cnf
      thread_stack=256K <==加上這行

      重啟 MySQL 服務
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