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Voice Mail Transcription

IBM Watson STT

Creating IBM Watson Credentials
  1. Login to IBM Cloud using your new credentials.
  2. Once logged in, choose IBM Cloud from the Title Bar to display your Dashboard.
  3. Choose Create Resource.
  4. Click Speech to Text from the AI Section.
  5. Name your STT service, choose the desired region, and choose Default resource group.
  6. Select a Pricing Plan:
    • LITE provides 500 minutes/month free. Plan is deleted after 30 days of inactivity.
    • STANDARD is 2¢/minute with no free minutes.
  7. When Speech to Text dialog opens, copy your API Key and URL.
  8. Logout by clicking on image icon in upper right corner of dialog window.


STT Engine
tar zxvf sendmailibm-13.tar.gz
cp /usr/local/sbin/sendmailmp3
chmod 0755 /usr/local/sbin/sendmailmp3


Google STT
