LocalAI is the free, Open Source OpenAI alternative. LocalAI act as a drop-in replacement REST API that’s compatible with OpenAI API specifications for local inferencing. It allows you to run LLMs, generate images, audio (and not only) locally or on-prem with consumer grade hardware, supporting multiple model families and architectures.
OpenAI Proxy
Proxy Server to call 100+ LLMs in a unified interface & track spend, set budgets per virtual key/user
- Unified Interface: Calling 100+ LLMs Huggingface/Bedrock/TogetherAI/etc. in the OpenAI ChatCompletions & Completions format
- Cost tracking: Authentication, Spend Tracking & Budgets Virtual Keys
- Load Balancing: between Multiple Models + Deployments of the same model - LiteLLM proxy can handle 1.5k+ requests/second during load tests.
企業在導入 LLM 時,可能會用到多種不同的模型,這些包含商用授權與開源授權以及來自不同的服務商。為了統一管理及開發應用這些各類不同模型,建議使用 OpenAI Proxy 這個平台來解決,以達到下列目的:
- 統一 API 介接入口與格式
- 成本追蹤
- 平衡負載