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OpenLLM helps developers run any open-source LLMs, such as Llama 2 and Mistral, as OpenAI-compatible API endpoints, locally and in the cloud, optimized for serving throughput and production deployment.


Recommend using a Python Virtual Environment

pip install openllm
Start a LLM Server
openllm start microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct --trust-remote-code

To interact with the server, you can visit the web UI at http://localhost:3000/ or send a request using curl. You can also use OpenLLM’s built-in Python client to interact with the server:

import openllm

client = openllm.HTTPClient('http://localhost:3000')
client.generate('Explain to me the difference between "further" and "farther"')
OpenAI Compatible Endpoints
import openai

client = openai.OpenAI(base_url='http://localhost:3000/v1', api_key='na')  # Here the server is running on

completions =
  prompt='Write me a tag line for an ice cream shop.', model=model, max_tokens=64, stream=stream
from langchain.llms import OpenLLMAPI

llm = OpenLLMAPI(server_url='')
llm.invoke('What is the difference between a duck and a goose? And why there are so many Goose in Canada?')

# streaming
for it in'What is the difference between a duck and a goose? And why there are so many Goose in Canada?'):
  print(it, flush=True, end='')

# async context
await llm.ainvoke('What is the difference between a duck and a goose? And why there are so many Goose in Canada?')

# async streaming
async for it in llm.astream('What is the difference between a duck and a goose? And why there are so many Goose in Canada?'):
  print(it, flush=True, end='')