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Cybersecurity 2

  • I am a content strategist and product marketer with over 10 years of experience helping businesses use new technologies to drive success 我是一位內容策略師與產品行銷者,擁有超過十年的經驗,幫助企業運用新科技以驅動成功。
  • I am passionate about empowering brands to find and use solutions that work for them and helping builders of new technologies develop even better, more effective products. And most importantly, I value having fun and being collaborative, inclusive, and authentic while I do it 我熱衷於幫助品牌找到並使用適合他們的解決方案,並幫助新技術的建立者開發更好、更有效的產品。最重要的是,我重視在工作過程中享受樂趣、要合作、包容和真誠
  • you can interview a handful of your peers. They could be current or former colleagues, classmates, or even family and friends 您可以訪問一些你的同儕。他們可以是現任或前任同事、同學,甚至是家人和朋友
  • So I decided to build a knowledge base of common questions and answers that my team could use to not have to start from scratch each time. 因此,我決定建立一個常見問題和答案的知識庫,讓我的團隊可以使用,而不必每次都從頭開始
  • How can I help clean this up? How can I make this more efficient 我該如何幫忙清理這?我該如何使這更有效率
  • You may not always be aware of your values, but they are always with you even if they shift over time. These are things like integrity, responsibility, and kindness. 你可能並非總是意識到你的價值觀,但它們始終與您同在,即使它們會隨著時間而改變 。這些價值觀包括誠信、責任和善良等
  • Your values reflect what's most important to you. They guide your approach to decision-making, developing relationships, and overcoming challenges. 您的價值觀反映了什麼對您最重要。它們引導您做決策、發展人際關係和克服挑戰的方法
  • Your motivations stem from your passions and your purpose 你的動機源自於你的熱忱與你的使命
  • I am also motivated to help others to express their own truths through authentic storytelling 我也熱衷於幫助他人透過真實的故事表達自己的真實想法
  • Your strengths are tasks and activities that you do well 您的強項(優勢)是您擅長的工作和活動
  • I then invested a lot of time in developing this skill throughout my life 
  • develop 開發/發展/培養/建立 之後,我在生活中投入了大量時間發展這項技能