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  • the group managed to gain access to the organization’s network and internal tools.(群體;成功取得...的存取)
  • Threat actors use many different tactics to carry out their attacks.(威脅行動者;手法;執行)
  • unauthorized access to restricted systems.(未授權存取; 受限系統)
  • specific type of attacks that cybercriminals commonly use. (網路犯罪)
  • using fictitious emails to evaluate security awareness at the company. (安全意識)
  • Keeping software updated requires effort. (軟體保持更新需要付出努力)
  • Vulnerability scanners are meant to be non-intrusive. (應該; 非侵入性)
  • Examples of remediation steps might include things like enforcing (矯正)
  • We'll explore this step in more details (更多細節)
  • An employee reports that they cannot log into the payroll system with their access credentials. (無法登入; 存取帳密)
  • Symmetric and asymmetric encryption (對稱與非對稱加密)
  • keep private; keep safe (保持私密; 保持安全)
  • you'll review the controls in place to prevent data leaks. (現有的控制)
  • Periodically auditing those accounts is a key part of keeping your company’s systems secure.(定期; 保持...安全)
  • Score risks based on their severity (嚴重性)
  • So much of the global marketplace has shifted to cloud-based services. (轉移至)
  • As the environment continues to transform, (當...時候)
  • Don't get discouraged now; Don't let anyone discourage you from cybersecurity. (不要灰心)
  • Suppose you wanted to know what department the employee using ...(假設)
  • The principle of least privilege is the concept of granting only the minimal access and authorization required to complete a task or function. (最小權限原則)
  • we use u to represent the user, g to represent the group(表示; 代表)
  • its output indicates that the working directory is logs (顯示; 指示)
  • Although it took some practice and time to get used to, it has been one of the biggest tools ...(需要一些練習與時間來習慣)
  • you'll become much more familiar with(變得更加熟悉)
  • it might happen because we don't have the appropriate permissions to perform a command. (適合的)
  • misspelled the command(拼錯)
  • the bash shell is the most commonly used shell in the ...(最常被使用的)
  • You might examine different types of logs to identify what's going on in the system. (檢查; 查明系統發生了什麼事)
  • Almost everyone learned on their own by experimenting (透過實驗自學)
  • These individuals will likely already have experience using GUIs (這些人; 可能)
  • security analysts commonly use a CLI in their everyday work (通常; 日常工作中)
  • using a GUI is more like ordering food from a restaurant. (更像)
  • Using virtual machines can also be an efficient and convenient way to perform security tasks. (也可以是有效率且方便的方式)
  • One more aspect to consider is that (還有一個考慮的方向是)
  • The OS is responsible for ensuring that each program is allocating and de-allocating resources. (負責; 釋放)
  • A variety of programs, tasks, and processes are ... (各式各樣)
  • The OS handles resource and memory management to ensure the limited capacity of the computer system is used where it's needed most. (電腦系統的有限容量; 最需要的地方)
  • make sure all the resources of the computer are used efficiently. (有效地)
  • Security analysts should be aware of vulnerabilities that affect operating systems. (應該要了解; 影響)
  • They run multiple applications at once (一次)
  • will be an essential part of your job as a security analyst. (基本部分工作)
  • The shared responsibility model states that the CSP must take responsibility for... (規定) 
  • Brute force attacks are a trial-and-error process of guessing passwords. (暴力破解; 反覆試驗)
  • up-to-date; out-of-date (最新; 過期)
  • security hardening involves minimizing the attack surface or potential vulnerabilities and keeping a network as secure as possible. (安全強化; 涉及/包括; 攻擊表面; 潛在漏洞; 盡可能保持網路安全
  • refer to; referred to as (是指...; 這被稱為...)
    • Software as a service, refers to software suites operated by the CSP that a company can use remotely without hosting the software. 
    • it is referred to as a hybrid cloud environment.
  • Open-source tools and proprietary tools (專有/私有工具)
  • Analyst; Analysis; Analyze
    • As a security analyst
    • Splunk is a data analysis platform
    • Splunk Enterprise is a self-hosted tool used to retain, analyze and search the log data to provide security information and alert in real-time 
  • From there I managed to get myself into a security vendor and learn security (從那時開始, 我成功進入一家網路安全供應商學習網路安全)