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Phrases 2
- An IDE is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities for software development IDE 是一種軟體應用程式,可為軟體開發提供全面的便利
- Now it’s your turn to try! Give this a go yourself. 現在輪到(換)你嘗試了!自己試試吧
- We won't get into these in this course but if you want to learn more about them on your own 我們不會在本課程中涉及這些,不過如果您想自行(靠自己)瞭解更多資訊
- Python actually has a lot more advanced numeric capabilities that are used for data analysis, statistics, machine learning, and other scientific applications Python 實際上有許多更進階的數值功能,可用於資料分析、統計、機器學習和其他科學應用程式
- You might need to count how many times a certain word appears in a text, or work out the average time it takes for an operation to complete 您可能需要計算某個詞在文本中出現的次數,或計算出一個操作完成所需的平均時間
- you could have the program ask you for data interactively 可以讓程式以互動方式詢問您資料
- a bunch of; a ton of
- Data can be provided to a computer in a bunch of different ways 資料可以多種方式提供給電腦
- There's a ton of things that you can do with Python 您可以用 Python 做很多事情
- There are platform-specific scripting languages like PowerShell which is used on Window 有特定平台的腳本語言,例如在 Window 上使用的 PowerShell
- There are also general-purpose scripting languages similar to Python 也有類似 Python 的通用腳本語言
- There's almost always someone on the Internet who's trying to do what you're doing and can help point you in the right direction when you're stuck. 網路上幾乎總會有人在嘗試做您正在做的事情,當您遇到困難時(卡住時),他們可以幫助您指出正確的方向
- Not only that, but it's also used in fast-growing areas of IT 不僅如此,它也用於快速成長的 IT 領域
- The most important thing to remember is that you're never alone. 最重要的是要記住,您永遠不會孤單
- It's really important to keep in mind that even experienced programmers may need to ask a colleague a question from time to time or look something up on the Internet 即使是有經驗的程式設計師,也可能需要不時向同事請教問題,或在網際網路上尋找資料,記住這點真的很重要
- classmate(s);teammate(s) 同學;隊友
- So if at any point you get stuck, don't get discouraged. Making mistakes helps you improve. The more you see failure or broken code as an opportunity to learn 因此,如果您在任何時候卡住了,不要灰心。犯錯有助於您的進步。您越是將失敗或有問題的程式碼視為學習的機會
- A large part of programming is learning through trial and error and asking questions. 程式設計的很大一部分是透過嘗試、錯誤和提問來學習
- if you're planning a career in IT, chances are you'll interact with Python quite a bit. 如果您打算從事 IT 工作,您很可能會與 Python 有相當多的互動
- Python was considered a beginner's language and was mostly used for teaching concepts or writing very small simple scripts Python 被認為(視為)是一種初學者語言,主要用於概念教學或非常小的簡單腳本撰寫
- can > may > could > might 可能 (機率)
- Semantics are the meaning and logic of coded statements 語義是編碼語句的意義和邏輯
- so it is important to be mindful of syntax when writing code 因此在撰寫程式碼時注意語法是很重要的
- If your code results in an error or an exception, pay close attention to syntax and watch out for minor mistakes 如果您的程式碼產生錯誤或異常,請密切注意語法,並留意細微錯誤
- In the meantime, ; Meanwhile 同時;在此期間
- you'll want to install Python on your computer so you can run it locally and experiment with it as much as you like 您會想在電腦上安裝 Python,這樣您就可以在本機上運行 Python,並盡情使用它進行試驗
- We'll be here to help you check that you've really got your head around these concepts with regular quizzes like this. 我們會透過這樣的定期測驗,幫助您檢查自己是否真的掌握(明白)了這些概念
- If you got most of the questions right, great job. If not, no worries it's all part of learning 如果您答對了大部分的問題,那就太好了。如果沒有,不用擔心,這是學習的一部分
- using a computer to perform a certain task. 使用電腦來執行某項任務
- human intervention is required to complete the tasks 需要人為介入(干預)才能完成任務
- we'll be talking about when it makes sense to apply automation and exactly how you do it. 我們將討論何時應用自動化是合理的,以及你實際該如何作
- some tasks just aren't suited for automation. 有些任務(工作) 就是不適合自動化
- fundation;basic;fundamental 基礎;基本
- the fundamental concepts of computer programming 電腦程式設計的基礎概念
- The program is designed to teach you the foundations of programming in Python 本課程旨在教授您 Python 程式設計的基礎
- Throughout this course, we'll be teaching you the basics of programming and automation 在整個課程中,我們將教您程式設計和自動化的基本知識
- Discovering and defining your own career identity makes you better equipped to choose a career path that aligns with your strengths, values, and goals 發現和定義自己的職涯定位,讓您更有能力選擇符合自己優勢、價值和目標的職涯道路
- you can earn the certificate whenever you finish 無論你何時完成,你都可以獲得證書
- When you enroll in the course 當你報名參加這課程
- Personal data will be kept confidential, with your name separated from your data 您的個人資料將會保密,您的姓名將與您的資料分開
- You'll get hands-on experience with programming concepts through interactive exercises and real-world examples. 您將透過互動式練習和實際範例,親身體驗程式設計的概念
- The role of a sysadmin can vary a lot from company to company and even within different teams in the same company. 系統管理員的角色會因公司不同而有很大差異,甚至在同一公司的不同團隊中也會有所不同
- In any case, this program is tailor-made for you. 無論如何,本課程都是為您量身打造的
- tailored to your needs 針對您的需求量身打造
- automation; automate; automatically;automatic
- automated processes complete instructions exactly as coded
- Scripts can be used for automating specific tasks
- the automatic system
- understand their role in automation
- focus on how this language applies to automating tasks in the world of IT systems support
- we'll be talking about automation, which is the process of getting computers to automatically do a task that us humans normally have to do by hand 我們將討論自動化,這個是讓電腦自動執行人類通常必須手動完成的工作的過程
- So don't be afraid to make mistakes, it will give you a leg up. 所以不要害怕犯錯,這會讓你更有優勢
- Working in IT is more than just a job. It's a career path 從事 IT 不只是一份工作。它是一條職涯道路
- The common thread across all of these roles is knowing how to write code to solve problems and automate solutions 所有這些角色的共通點是知道如何編寫程式碼來解決問題和自動化解決方案
- Those who push themselves to learn how to code in Python typically saw strong career growth. 那些努力學習 Python 程式碼的人,通常都有強勁的職涯成長
- To be able to take courses at my own pace and rhythm has been an amazing experience 能以自己的步調和節奏上課,是個很棒的經驗
- Commit to experimenting with AI for something that will make a real difference to you and your work 致力於嘗試使用 AI,為您和您的工作帶來真正的不同
- Gen AI tools can help you get started with writing a program from scratch too. This can save lots of time and boost productivity. Gen AI 工具也可以幫助您從零開始編寫程式。這可以節省許多時間並提昇生產力
- carefully consider if you need to use confidential or sensitive information to perform your task 請謹慎考慮是否需要使用機密或敏感(機敏)資訊來執行任務
- AI has helped make me more efficient and creative in my daily work, 在我的日常工作裡 AI 已經協助使我更有效率及創新
- add a new capability to start debugging directly from chat 新增一個功能從 chat 直接啟動偵錯
- Luis will introduce you to the ways that he incorporates AI into his daily workflows to do things like check code, understand system vulnerabilities, and more. Luis 將向您介紹他如何將 AI 結合日常工作流程,以執行檢查程式碼、瞭解系統漏洞等工作
- In the upcoming series of videos you will be introduced to Luis 在接下來的一系列影片中,會向您介紹 Luis
- You can also use generative AI to augment routine tasks 您也可以使用產生式 AI 來增強例行性工作
- simplify day-to-day work; streamline communications 簡化
- offering powerful capabilities to analyze data, streamline communications, and make informed decisions 提供強大的功能來分析資料、簡化溝通並做出明智的決策
- details that quantify an accomplishment 量化一個工作成就的細節
- Everybody else is doing so much better 所有其他人都做得更好
- Reflecting on your career no matter where you've worked 反思你的職涯,無論你在哪裡工作
- There's no way you can know everything. We have people who work on those things across the company and you don't have to know everything. 你不可能什麼都知道。我們公司有專人負責這些事情,你不需要什麼都知道
- Those folks can support you, and they can also be a great example of how far you've come when you share your skills with them as well 這些人可以支援你,當你與他們分享你的技能時,他們也可以成為你的好榜樣
- If your internet service is not fast enough to allow for a video interview, you can request a phone interview instead 如果您的網際網路服務速度不夠快,無法進行視訊面試,您可以要求電話面試
- you should download that software, if you don't have it already 你應該下載該軟體 (假如你還沒有)
- Typically, the recruiter or hiring manager will reach out to you over the phone or email to share information about which software will be used for the interview 一般而言,招聘人員或人事經理會透過電話或電子郵件與您聯繫,分享面試時將使用的軟體資訊
- you’ll also be going into detail about your knowledge of the profession 你還會詳述你的專業知識
- you’ll talk with the recruiter or hiring manager about yourself, the kind of work or training you have, and why you want the job 您將與招聘人員或用人經理談到您自己、您所從事的工作或接受過的訓練,以及應徵這份工作的原因
- It’s important to showcase your best self in the introductory phone call 在介紹電話中展示最好的自己非常重要
- It shows that you're willing to take the time to ... 這展現了你願意花時間...
- You've learned a lot through this program that can help you stand out as a candidate 透過這個課程,你學到了很多,這些可以幫助你在應徵者中脫穎而出
- What is an effective way to stand out as a candidate 作一個應試者什麼有效方法可以讓你脫穎而出
- can help set you apart as a great candidate for the job 協助讓您脫穎而出,成為該工作的最佳人選
- If you’d like, you can let the company know that you appreciate the opportunity to be considered and that you’d be interested in any future roles that might be a good fit 如果您願意的話,您可以讓公司知道您很感激有機會被考慮,而且您對未來任何可能適合的職位都很感興趣
- XXX and YYY are two distinct components XXX 與 YYY 是兩個不同的元件
- improving model accuracy, reducing hallucinations, and tailoring LLMs for specific tasks 改善模型精確度, 減少幻覺及為特定任務定制 LLMs
- While fine-tuning may be ideal for certain use cases 雖然微調可能很適用某些應用案例
- generative model; generation quality; generated response 生成式模型; 生成品質; 生成的回應
- Once the most relevant data points 最相關的資料點
- an external knowledge source in relation to a user query 與使用者查詢相關的外部知識來源
- Most commonly, 最常見地
- My team works closely with our remarkable security experts(與...密切合作)
- It's likely that...; It's unlikely that... (有可能...; 不可能...)
- Python considers a new line to be a type of whitespace. (將...視為...)
- we're going to put together everything we learned about lists and strings (整合在一起)
- This process is often referred to as parsing(通常是指.../稱為...)
- This will allow us to analyze them more easily.(更容易地)
- Essential Python components for automation(基本/必要; 自動化)
- You could incorporate a conditional statement to only perform these actions if the device IDs meet certain conditions(合併/引入;特定的/某些)
- you might iterate through a list of device IDs using a for loop(迭代)
- The variable device_id represents a device ID containing alphanumeric characters(表示;字母數字)
- you have just been informed of a new criteria for employee IDs.(被告知...)
- As one example; As an example (舉一個例子)
- Regardless of the timeframe(時間範圍)
- When new models are released you'll simply swap them out without needing to rewrite your entire codebase. (切換; 不需要; 整個程式庫)
- Microsoft’s Azure cloud services experienced a significant outage, causing widespread disruption. (發生了重大的停機, 導致大範圍服務中斷)
- with great power comes great responsibility (能力越大, 責任就越大)
- At the moment, there is no unified way (目前)
- providing flexibility for different usage scenarios (不同使用情境的彈性)
- As shown in the images provided (如提供的圖片顯示)
- requiring no GPU / without the need for a GPU (不需要 GPU)
- to provide a more comprehensive toolset for users (更 全面/完善)
- if incorporated into LM Studio in the future (整合/合併)
- you have to deal with plenty of image files (大量的)
- Fortunately 16GB of RAM is more than sufficient for many home users. (綽綽有餘)
- which could lead to false positives (這個可能導致偽陽性/誤警報/誤報)
- Does not heat up even under heavy load (不會過熱既使在高負荷下)
- then the issues started to show up (然後問題就開始出現)
- I have no idea what's that for (我不知道那是做什麼)
- Thanks for your reply.
- I appreciate your message.
- I was so pleased to hear from you.
- Thank you so much for responding to my email.
- Thanks for getting back to me.
- Thank you for the prompt reply.
- Thank you for the quick reply.
- In simple words/In simple terms (簡單來說), In summary (總之)