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Phrases 3

  • But thankfully, the principles are always the same 但值得慶幸的是,原則總是相同的
  • Implementation 實現; 建置; 施作; 實作; 執行
  • a bunch of; a ton of; plenty of 許多; 多種; 很多
    • There are plenty of others you'll be using soon 您很快就會用到許多其他的
    • Data can be provided to a computer in a bunch of different ways 資料可以多種方式提供給電腦
    • There's a ton of things that you can do with Python 您可以用 Python 做很多事情
    • there's a broad range of tools that incorporate regular expressions 有多種工具結合了正則表達式
  • we’ll provide resources you can access if you encounter any issues you cannot resolve on your own. 如果您遇到任何無法自行解決的問題,我們會提供您可以存取的資源
  • allowing you to use both Linux and Windows operating systems as if they were installed on your local machine 讓您同時使用 Linux 和 Windows 作業系統,就像它們安裝在您的本機上一樣
  • Qwiklabs is an online lab tool that creates simulated Windows and Linux OS environments Qwiklabs 是線上實驗工具,可建立模擬的 Windows 和 Linux 作業系統環境
  • you will use Qwiklabs through Coursera to complete hands-on activities that include writing Python scripts, debugging Python scripts 您將透過 Coursera 使用 Qwiklabs 來完成實作活動,包括編寫 Python 腳本、除錯 Python 腳本
  • A lot of programs are capable of exporting data as CSV files 許多程式都能將資料匯出為 CSV 檔案
  • Here is the code all together. 以下是全部的程式碼
  • We can use the datetime module to make it easier for us humans to read 我們可以使用日期模組,讓我們人類更容易讀取
  • File paths are most often used to save and load information 檔案路徑最常用於儲存和載入資訊
  • You see the potential issues? It's enough to make you growl 您看到潛在的問題了嗎?這足以讓你咆哮
  • we get some hands-on practice with all this 我們可以親身體驗這些
  • the interpreter raises an error 直譯器將產生錯誤
  • absolute path ; relative path 絕對路徑;相對路徑
  • Is it worth the time 是否值得花時間
  • Without virtual environments, managing these dependencies could become a nightmare 如果沒有虛擬環境,管理這些依賴關係可能會變成一場惡夢
  • This term stands for Integrated Development Environment, and usually refers to a code editor 這個詞代表整合開發環境,通常是指程式碼編輯器
  • when we run the Python 3 command, we get an interactive interpreter. 當我們執行 Python 3 指令時,我們會得到一個互動式的直譯器
  • Interpreted vs. Compiled Languages 直譯式與編譯式程式語言
  • In my job as a sysadmin, I mainly work with the Linux operating system 在我的系統管理員工作中,我工作主要使用 Linux 作業系統
  • You may have also heard of Unix 您可能還聽過 Unix
  • We refer to these different flavors of Linux as distributions. 我們稱這些不同風格的 Linux 為發行版
  • They are tempted to spend a lot of time trying to solve the problem on their own 他們很想花很多時間嘗試自己解決問題
  • To check that our code is doing everything it's supposed to do 要檢查我們的程式碼是否做了所有該做的事
  • In this scenario, it makes sense to use a set to store the current users 在這種情況下,使用集合來儲存目前的使用者是合理的
  • I was happy with it, the user was happy with it. 我很滿意,使用者也很滿意
  • We're gonna dive into object-oriented programming 我們要深入瞭解物件導向程式設計
  • It's your call ; It's up to you 由你決定
  • we add, remove, or change the elements inside that box 我們新增、移除或變更該方塊內的元素
  • it doesn't matter how long each string is on its own. What matters is how many elements the list has 每個字串本身有多長並不重要。重要的是 list 有多少個元素
  • indicate ; represent 表示
    • we use square brackets to indicate where the list starts and ends 我們使用方(中)括號來表示清單開始和結束的位置
    • a list of integers representing the size of network packets 代表(表示)網路封包大小的整數清單(列表)
    • The variable device_id represents a device ID containing alphanumeric characters(表示;字母數字)
  • You can think of lists as long boxes 您可以將清單想成長方塊
  • make the whole string more readable 使整個字串更易於閱讀
  • Heads up, this can get complex fast 注意,這可能會變得很複雜
  • They focus on applying AI in practical ways 他們專注於以實際方式應用 AI
  • there are a bunch of exercises ahead to help you with that 前面有很多練習可以幫助您做到這一點
  • We can use strings to represent a lot of different things. 我們可以使用字串來表示許多不同的事物
  • It never let me down 它從未讓我失望