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Phrases 4
- manually scaling the application to keep up with demand is becoming cumbersome 手動擴充應用程式以滿足需求變得非常麻煩
- You want to create a product that is free of errors and bugs 沒有錯誤和bug的產品
- What is latency in terms of Cloud storage 就雲端儲存而言,何謂延遲
- If you're looking to share data across instances 如果您希望在不同的實體間共用資料
- This approach to scaling isn't too different from what you'd need to do if you have your servers running on-premise 這種擴充方式與您在內部執行伺服器時所需要做的並沒有太大的差異
- Say your web service is using Apache to serve web pages 假設您的網路服務使用 Apache 來提供網頁
- To scale a deployment horizontally (vertically) 若要水平(垂直)擴充部署
- Our capacity needs can change over time 我們的容量需求可能會隨時間改變
- you could choose to host the database in your own hardware 您可以選擇在自己的硬體中託管資料庫
- figure out what's going on when a program doesn't behave as expected. 在程式表現不如預期時找出原因
- Besides serving as a repository for your code and tracking changes to your code over time, 除了作為您程式碼的儲存庫,並追蹤程式碼隨時間的變更之外、
- Install the Git CLI according to your operating system 根據您的作業系統安裝 Git CLI
- Go through /var/log/syslog and check if there are any critical errors that need attention 瀏覽 /var/log/syslog 並檢查是否有任何重要錯誤需要注意
- All comments resolved, please take another look 所有意見已經修正,請再看一下
- if you've written a piece of code 如果您寫了一段程式碼
- refactor our code 重構程式碼
- assuring the data's integrity and authenticity 保證資料的完整性和真實性
- you can create a separate branch to do your work without worrying about messing up this current working state. 您可以建立一個獨立的分支來進行工作,而不必擔心會弄亂目前的工作狀態
- try something new in your project 在你的專案嘗試新東西
- Version control is a feature of a software management system that records changes to files over time so that you can recall specific versions later 版本控制是軟體管理系統的一項功能,可記錄檔案或檔案集隨時間發生的變更,以便您日後可以調用特定版本
- Git can work as a standalone program as a server and as a client Git 可作為伺服器或用戶端獨立運作
- included a duplicated entry causing the server to misbehave. 包含重複的項目,導致伺服器行為不正常
- As we called that earlier 正如我們之前所說的
- It also lets us easily revert a change 它讓我們輕鬆還原一個異動
- Practical Application of diff and patch diff 與 patch的實際應用
- Take your time and review any content that's not completely clear. 花點時間檢視任何不完全清楚的內容
- some of these topics and videos are a little complex, so they might not 100% sink in the first time around 這些主題和影片有些複雜,所以第一次可能無法完全理解。
- Establish a relationship with a professional who might be able to help you in your current job search and be a part of your professional network moving forward. 與專業人士建立關係,他們或許能夠在您目前的求職過程中提供協助,並成為您未來專業人際網路的一員
- Enter the values for the year, month, and day respectively as the prompt appears 如提示顯示的分別輸入年、月、日的值
- establishing test environments, monitoring 建立測試環境, 監控
- Getting started with Docker can feel overwhelming 不知所措; 痛苦萬分
- One key strategy is to make good use of monitoring. 其中一個關鍵策略就是善用監控
- whenever we're faced with an issue, it's usually best to find a quick workaround. So that those affected can get back to work as soon as possible 當我們面臨問題時,通常最好的方法就是找出快速的解決方案。以便受影響的人可以盡快恢復工作
- Planning ahead will prepare you for when you need additional resources, instead of having to scramble for them at the last minute 提前規劃可讓您在需要額外資源時做好準備,而不是在最後一刻才爭奪資源
- help you avoid getting stuck on a lot of these situations 幫助您避免陷入許多這樣的情況
- Emergencies and unexpected events will arise—they always do 緊急情況和意外事件將會發生,而且總是會發生
- give them timely updates 向他們即時更新資訊
- instead of getting interrupted in the middle of a task 而不是在工作中途被打斷
- It's important to communicate upfront to the user 事先與使用者溝通很重要
- give them an idea of when they can expect their issue to be fixed so they can plan what to do next 讓他們知道(明白)問題何時可以解決,以便他們計劃下一步該怎麼做
- make sure you tell the user that you're dealing with a crisis and that you'll help with their request once the crisis is resolved 請務必告訴使用者您正在處理危機,一旦危機解決,您會協助處理他們的請求
- fixing the database is critical and affects the whole company, so it should take priority 應該優先處裡
- a user calls you to request access to a shared resource, but you're in the middle of dealing with an issue that's causing the company's database to be offline 一位使用者 Call 你要求存取共用資源, 但您正在處理導致公司資料庫離線的問題
- you have to replace a keyboard but you have no spares available 沒有可用備品
- it's important to understand these implicit expectations and let users know if fixing the problem will take longer than they expect 了解這些隱性的期望很重要,並讓使用者知道解決問題所需的時間是否比他們預期的長
- When you're dealing with an issue that's affecting one or more users, 當您處理影響一個或多個使用者的問題時
- select which task you're going to deal with depending on urgency 根據緊急程度選擇要處理的任務
- make a list of all of the tasks that need to get done 列出所有需要完成的工作清單
- you might need to write your own script that gets rid of them 刪除(除去)它們
- it might be easily fixed by uninstalling applications that aren't used, or cleaning up old data that isn't needed anymore.
- It's common for the overall performance of the system to decrease as the available disk space gets smaller 當可用磁碟空間變小時,系統整體效能降低是很常見的現象
- We saw how reducing scope and isolating problems can lead us to the root cause of programs that are running slowly or crushing unexpectedly 縮小範圍和隔離問題
- how to identify what process or application is taking up all your disk space 佔用
- You hadn't written the software and didn't have access to the source code. 您沒有寫過軟體,也無法存取原始碼
- you were an IT professional who's in charge of the deployment and maintenance of software in your company 您是一位 IT 專業人士,負責公司內軟體的部署與維護
- raise an error; throw(threw) an error 出現錯誤
- another thing that could cause the open function to raise an error
- the interpreter threw one of these errors
- when you can't modify the program that's throwing errors
- Logs on both servers show an increase in CPU and RAM usage. What may be the most effective way to resolve this issue with a complex set of servers? 兩台伺服器上的日誌都顯示 CPU 和 RAM 使用量增加。對於複雜的伺服器群,解決此問題的最有效方法是什麼?
- The website is hosted by two load balancing servers in the cloud and are connected to an external SQL database. 網站由雲端中的兩台負載平衡伺服器託管,並連接到外部 SQL 資料庫
- During peak hours, users have reported issues connecting to a website. 在高(尖)峰時段,使用者報告在連線到某個網站時發生問題
- we can prepare if something similar happens in the future 如果將來發生類似的事情,我們可以做好準備
- Third-party service providers may go down, an update may not perform as expected, or a server may experience a hacking attack 第三方服務供應商可能會當機、更新可能無法如預期般執行,或伺服器可能遭遇駭客攻擊