30000 = 30000 KB/ps = 30 MB/ps
rsync -av --delete --exclude='path1/to/exclude' --exclude='path2/to/exclude' source destination
- source/ 來源目錄+斜線 會複製目錄內的內容
- source 來源目錄不加斜線 會複製整個目錄
- --delete 來源檔案被刪除時也會同步到目的端
rsync --partial --progress --rsh=ssh <local_file> user@host:<remote_file>
複製 Linux 整個系統
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt
rsync -aAXv / --exclude={"/dev/*","/proc/*","/sys/*","/tmp/*","/run/*","/mnt/*","/media/*","/lost+found"} /mnt
How does rsync work
Other similar solutions
- Syncthing - It is a free and open-source file syncing application used to sync files between multiple remote devices over the internet. It works on peer-to-peer architecture and exchanges the data automatically between two devices.
Restic- is a fast, open source, secure and cross-platform backup program. It allows saving multiple revisions of files and directories in an encrypted repository stored on different backends.備份資料加密差異備份 - snapshot支援目錄與檔案備份媒體支援 本地/SFTP/HTTP REST/AWS S3/Azure Storage/Google Cloud Storage/rclone