sar(系統活動回報程式)- Sar - RedHat/CentOS 內建的系統效能分析工具,這工具會蒐集、回報本日截至目前為止的系統活動資訊。預設的資訊包括本日的 CPU 使用率,每十分鐘採樣一次。
- 內建在 CentOS/RedHat 5+版本,無需另外安裝。
- 可查詢最近幾日的系統資源使用歷史紀錄,常作為事件後的問題偵錯工具。
- CPU / IO / System / Nice / Idle percentages
- Network Traffic / Network Errors
- Load Average and Run queue
- Interrupts
- Memory Free / Cached / Buffered / Swapped
- Device usage per Major/Minor number
- And many others
Sar 如何運作
- SAR writes to log files in /var/log/sa. This directory holds two types of files - sa\#\# files (binary) and sar\#\# files (text).
- The number at the end of the file corresponds to the day of the month that file was recording.
- For example, an sa03 file refers to the 03 day of the month.
- When the sysstat package is installed it places a file into /etc/cron.d/sysstat.
- This sets up two cron jobs.
- job to record statistics every 10 minutes.
- job to write the binary sa\#\# file to a text sar\#\# file once a day (typically right before midnight).
- Additionally, it places a configuration file in /etc/sysconfig/sysstat.
- 預設是保留最近七日的歷史資料,若要變更,可以修改 /etc/sysconfig/sysstat。
Note that RHEL 4/5 sysstat does not support keeping more than 1 month of data; however, in RHEL6 if a HISTORY value greater than 28 is declared, SAR log files are automatically split up into separate directories.
Sar Cron Jobs:
# run system activity accounting tool every 10 minutes
*/10 * * * * root /usr/lib/sa/sa1 1 1
# generate a daily summary of process accounting at 23:53
53 23 * * * root /usr/lib/sa/sa2 -A
If it is desired for SAR to collect data more frequently, simply change "*/10" to a new interval.
For example, if to make SAR to track every 5 minutes, simply change to "*/5".
SAR does not add significant load to a server. It safely can be tuned down to 2 minute intervals without seeing a significant problem. SAR also does not grab individual block data.
RHEL 8/9 不再使用 crontab 方式,如要調整 interval,請見下方步驟。
RedHat 5/6/7/8/9
yum install sysstat
設定 Interval (for RHEL 8/9)
顯示今日 CPU 狀態
# 每個處理器
sar -P ALL
# 顯示 CPU
sar -u
顯示最近月份 13 號的網路狀態
sar -n ALL -f /var/log/sa/sa13
顯示最近一個月份 7 號 時間 10:00 - 14:00 的記憶體使用狀況,並將結果導出一個檔案
sar -r -s 10:00:00 -e 14:00:00 -f /var/log/sa/sa07 -o /tmp/mem.txt
# CPU on the Fly 10 times every 2 seconds
sar -u 2
sar -u 2 10
# Output to the file and read the file
sar -u 2 10 -o >/dev/null 2>&1
sar -f
# Memory
# kbcommit & %commit is the overall memory used including RAM & Swap
sar -r 1
sar -r 1 10
# Swap
sar -S 1
sar -S 1 10
# I/O
sar -b 1
sar -b 1 10
sar -p -d 1
sar -p -d 1 10
# Paging
# - majflts/s shows the major faults per second means number of pages loaded into the memory from disk (swap),
# if its value is higher then we can say that system is running out of RAM.
# - %vmeff indicates the number of pages scanned per second, if it’s vaule is 100 % its is consider OK and
# when it is below 30 % then there is some issue with virtual memory. Zero value indicates that there is no page scanned during that time.
sar -B 1
# Network
sar -n ALL
RedHat 提供幾個透過線上的工具來分析
I/O 使用分析:
在系統內先執行 lsblk 將輸出內容導出一個檔案 lsblk.out,將此檔連同要分析的任一個 sarXX 檔上傳該網址,即可以圖形顯示系統 I/O 的使用狀態。
Memory 使用分析: