Course 2
Understanding Slowness
Slow Web Server
ab - Apache benchmark tool
ab -n 500
Profiling - Improving the code
Profiling 可透過監控和分析即時資源使用情況,協助軟體工程師設計高效率且有效的應用程式。對 IT 專業人員而言,Profile 的能力是非常寶貴的工具。雖然 Profiling 並非新技術,但類似技術在今日仍然適用,而且 Profiling 可改善反應速度並最佳化資源使用,為軟體開發奠定穩固的基礎
A profiler is a tool that measures the resources that our code is using, giving us a better understanding of what's going on.
- gprof : For C program
- cProfile : For Python program
- pprofile3 + kcachegrind(GUI) : For Python program
- Flat, Call-graph, and Input-sensitive are integral to debugging
- timeit (python module) : Measure execution time of small code snippets
Parallelizing operations
Python modules
- threading
- asyncio