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Errors and Exceptions


  • A file doesn’t exist

  • A network or database connection fails

  • Your code receives invalid input


  • except Exception : 任何異常
  • print(, file=sys.stderr) : 以 STDERR 方式輸出
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        return usage()

        date, title, emails = sys.argv[1].split('|')
        message = message_template(date, title)
        send_message(message, emails)
        print("Successfully sent reminders to:", emails)
    except Exception as e:
        print("Failure to send email", file=sys.stderr)
    except Exception as e:
       print("Failure to send email: {}".format(e), file=sys.stderr)
  • except OSError 
def character_frequency(filename):
  """Counts the frequency of each character in the given file."""
  # First try to open the file
    f = open(filename)
  except OSError:
    return None

  # Now process the file
  characters = {}
  for line in f:
    for char in line:
      characters[char] = characters.get(char, 0) + 1
  return characters


  • raise ValueError("Some custom error messages") 
def validate_user(username, minlen):
  assert type(username) == str, "username must be a string"
  if minlen < 1:
    raise ValueError("minlen must be at least 1")

  if len(username) < minlen:
    return False
  if not username.isalnum():
    return False
  return True

For unit test

  • .assertRaises() 
import unittest

from validations import validate_user

class TestValidateUser(unittest.TestCase):
  def test_valid(self):
    self.assertEqual(validate_user("validuser", 3), True)

  def test_too_short(self):
    self.assertEqual(validate_user("inv", 5), False)

  def test_invalid_characters(self):
    self.assertEqual(validate_user("invalid_user", 1), False)
  def test_invalid_minlen(self):
    self.assertRaises(ValueError, validate_user, "user", -1)

# Run the tests
  • FileNotFoundError : The file might not exist
  • IndexError : The file might not have enough lines of data
  • ValueError : The data in the file might not be convertible to integers
  • ZeroDivisionError : The second number might be zero
def enhanced_read_and_divide(filename):
		with open(filename, 'r') as file:
			data = file.readlines()
        # Ensure there are at least two lines in the file
        if len(data) < 2:
            raise ValueError("Not enough data in the file.")
        num1 = int(data[0])
        num2 = int(data[1])
        # Check if second number is zero
        if num2 == 0:
            raise ZeroDivisionError("The denominator is zero.")
        return num1 / num2

	except FileNotFoundError:
    	     return "Error: The file was not found."
	except ValueError as ve:
    	     return f"Value error: {ve}"
	except ZeroDivisionError as zde:
    	     return f"Division error: {zde}"


User's emails

user_emails.csv :

Blossom Gill,
Hayes Delgado,
Petra Jones,
Oleg Noel,
Ahmed Miller,
Macaulay Douglas,
Aurora Grant,
Madison Mcintosh,
Montana Powell,
Rogan Robinson,
Simon Rivera,
Benedict Pacheco,
Maisie Hendrix,
Xaviera Gould,
Oren Rollins,
Flavia Santiago,
Jackson Owens,
Britanni Humphrey,
Kirk Nixon,
Bree Campbell, : Main program

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import csv

def populate_dictionary(filename): 
  """Populate a dictionary with name/email pairs for easy lookup."""
  email_dict = {}
  with open(filename) as csvfile:
    lines = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter = ',')
    for row in lines:
      name = str(row[0].lower())
      email_dict[name] = row[1]
  return email_dict

def find_email(argv):
  """ Return an email address based on the username given."""
  # Create the username based on the command line input.
    fullname = str(argv[1] + " " + argv[2])
    # Preprocess the data
    email_dict = populate_dictionary('/home/student/data/user_emails.csv')
    # Find and print the email
    if email_dict.get(fullname.lower()):
      return email_dict.get(fullname.lower())
      return "No email address found"
  except IndexError:
    return "Missing parameters"

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":
  main() : For unit test

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import unittest
from emails import find_email

class EmailsTest(unittest.TestCase):
  def test_basic(self):
    testcase = [None, "Bree", "Campbell"]
    expected = ""
    self.assertEqual(find_email(testcase), expected)

  def test_one_name(self):
    testcase = [None, "John"]
    expected = "Missing parameters"
    self.assertEqual(find_email(testcase), expected)

  def test_two_name(self):
    testcase = [None, "Roy", "Cooper"]
    expected = "No email address found"
    self.assertEqual(find_email(testcase), expected)

if __name__ == '__main__':