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Raspberry Pi OS


Ubuntu 22.04

sudo apt install rpi-imager

Create User

NOTE: 新版 Raspberry Pi OS 已經移除內建帳號 pi。使用前需要手動先建立帳號。

Headless Setup

SD Card > Boot partition > File: userconf



Generate encrypted password

Enable SSH

Default credential is pi / raspberry

Headless setup

SD Card > Boot partition > File: ssh (an empty file)

SSH can be enabled by placing a file named ssh, without any extension, onto the boot partition of the SD Card.

  1. Launch Raspberry Pi Configuration from the Preferences menu
  2. Navigate to the Interfaces tab
  3. Select Enabled next to SSH
  4. Click OK

Option #3: Using the raspi-config

  1. Enter sudo raspi-config in a terminal window
  2. Select Interfacing Options
  3. Navigate to and select SSH
  4. Choose Yes
  5. Select Ok
  6. Choose Finish