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Regex 正規表示式


Awk 測試 Regex 語法

# echo "Testing regex using awk" | awk '/regex/{print $0}'
Testing regex using awk

# echo "\ is a special character" | awk '/\\/{print $0}'
\ is a special character

# echo "likegeeks website" | awk '/^likegeeks/{print $0}'
likegeeks website


# 搜尋字串區分大小寫
echo "This is a test" | sed -n '/test/p'
echo "This is a test" | awk '/test/{print $0}'

# 可以包含空白與數字
echo "This is a test 2 again" | awk '/test 2/{print $0}' 
Match any single character from from the listed characters
Match any single character from the range of characters
Match any single character not among listed characters
Match any single character not among listed range of characters
Match any single character except a newline
Turn off (escape) the special meaning of a metacharacter
Match the beginning of a line.
Match the end of a line.
Match zero or more instances of the preceding character or regex.
Match zero or one instance of the preceding character or regex.
Match one or more instances of the preceding character or regex.
{n,m} Match a range of occurrences (at least n, no more than m) of preceding character of regex.
Match the character or expression to the left or right of the vertical bar.

  • 數字字元:

    • [[:digit:]]* : any number of digits (zero or more)
    • [[:digit:]]+ : at least one digit
    • [[:digit:]]? : zero or one digits
    • [[:digit:]]{1,3} : at least one and no more than three digits
    • [[:digit:]]{2,} : two or more digits



    $ cat myfile
    There is 10$ on my pocket
    awk '/\$/{print $0}' myfile
    echo "\ is a special character" | awk '/\\/{print $0}' 
    echo "This ^ is a test" | sed -n '/s ^/p'


    # 搜尋字首
    $ echo "likegeeks website" | awk '/^likegeeks/{print $0}'
    # 搜尋字尾
    $ echo "This is a test" | awk '/test$/{print $0}' 
    # 搜尋相同字元行的文字
    $ awk '/^this is a test$/{print $0}' myfile
    # 不顯示空白行
    $ awk '!/^$/{print $0}' myfile

    用 dot

    # cat myfile
    this is a test
    This is another test
    And this is one more
    start with this
    # awk '/.st/{print $0}' myfile
    this is a test
    This is another test

    用 [ ]

    // 包含 oth 與 ith
    $ awk '/[oi]th/{print $0}' myfile
    This is another test
    start with this
    // 不包含 oth 與 ith
    $ awk '/[^oi]th/{print $0}' myfile
    And this is one more
    start with this                  <== 有兩個 th


    $ awk '/[e-p]st/{print $0}' myfile
    this is a test
    This is another test
    $ echo "123" | awk '/[0-9][0-9][0-9]/'
    $ awk '/[a-fm-z]st/{print $0}' myfile
    this is a test
    This is another test