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Log 解析

Log Files

檔案目錄: /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/domains/ovm_domain/servers/AdminServer/logs/

  • access.log: Used to track HTTP access to the Web interface of the Oracle VM Manager and to the underlying Oracle WebLogic Server HTTP interface. This log can be used to track access and HTTP operations within Oracle VM Manager to help debug access issues and to audit access to the Oracle VM Manager.
  •  AdminServer.log: Used to track events within the underlying Oracle WebLogic Server framework, including events triggered by Oracle VM Manager. This log can be used to track a variety of issues within Oracle VM Manager including TLS/SSL certificate issues, server availability issues, and any actions performed within Oracle VM Manager which are usually identifiable by searching for items containing the string Log in failures resulting from locked accounts (as opposed to incorrect credentials) are also in this file.
  • AdminServer-diagnostic.log: Used to track exceptions within the underlying Oracle WebLogic Server framework, including particular events triggered by Oracle VM Manager such as log in failures due to incorrect credentials. This log can be used to track Oracle VM Manager behavior that results in an exception or for log in failure, which can be tracked by searching for the string An incorrect username or password was specified.

Log Parsing Tool:

檔案目錄: /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/ovm_tools/
由於 AdminServer.log 的內容不易讀取,使用這指令格式化 log 內容。

cd /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/ovm_tools/
python -s -o ~/ovm_logs/summary.`date +%y%m%d_%H%M`

  • 格式化後的結果會儲存在 ~/ovm_logs/summary.<todaty_now>

  • -s , 只會顯示 Error 相關的 Log; 不加則會顯示所有 Log。
執行手動備份 OVMM 資料庫失敗

執行 /u01/app/oracle/ovm-manager-3/ovm_tools/bin/BackupDatabase -w
    mysqlbackup: WARNING: The value of 'innodb_checksum_algorithm' option provided to mysqlbackup might be incompatible with server config.

mysqlbackup: ERROR: Page at offset 5242880 in /u01/app/oracle/mysql/data/appfw/APPFW_EVENTS.ibd seems corrupt!


  1. 檢查資料表 APPFW_EVENTS 是否已損壞
  2. 如果已損壞,嘗試執行修復資料表
  3. 如果顯示正常,嘗試手動重建資料表
  4. 再執行備份一次


mysqlcheck -uroot -p -S /u01/app/oracle/mysql/data/mysqld.sock --databases appfw

mysql -u appfw -p -S /u01/app/oracle/mysql/data/mysqld.sock appfw
mysql> select count(*) from APPFW_EVENTS;
| count(*) |
| 18650 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)


service ovmm stop
mysqldump -uappfw -p -S /u01/app/oracle/mysql/data/mysqld.sock --databases appfw --tables APPFW_EVENTS > table_dump.appfw_events.sql

mysql -u appfw -p -S /u01/app/oracle/mysql/data/mysqld.sock appfw
mysql> create table APPFW_EVENTS_NEW like APPFW_EVENTS;
mysql> rename table APPFW_EVENTS to APPFW_EVENTS_OLD;
mysql> rename table APPFW_EVENTS_NEW to APPFW_EVENTS;

// Import the table
mysql -uappfw -p -S /u01/app/oracle/mysql/data/mysqld.sock appfw < table_dump.appfw_events.sql

// Drop the old table
mysql -u appfw -p -S /u01/app/oracle/mysql/data/mysqld.sock appfw
mysql> drop table APPFW_EVENTS_OLD;