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OpenLLM helps developers run any open-source LLMs, such as Llama 2 and Mistral, as OpenAI-compati...
Linux Rescue
RedHat/CentOS How to recover a root password in Red Hat-based Linux systems Single-User Mod...
Unit Test
Tutorial Pytest YT: How To Write Unit Tests in Python • Pytest Tutorial - YouTube
Installation NOTE: The following commands still require internet connection. # Late...
AI Cloud Providers
AI Platform - Fast, Affordable, Customizable Gen AI Platform Blog: https://blo...
Learning 拾人牙慧
系統管理 Core Dump Creating and debugging Linux dump files [gdb] GDB debugging tutorial for b...
The ultimate AI business intelligence tool. Any LLM, any document, full control, full privacy. A...
Run Llama 3, Phi 3, Mistral, Gemma, and other models. Customize and create your own. https://o...
Poetry Doc: Poetry 應該要安裝在 Python 虛擬環境,與主要系統間做隔離。 curl -sS...
1) Multiple Variable Assignment # Traditional way a = 1 b = "ok" c = False # Pythonic way...
OCR - Optical Character Recognition
ANPR 車牌辨識 Automatic License/Number Plate Reader (ANPR) Automatic License Plate Reader Using O...
Tutorials Create your own custom Raspberry Pi image PiShrink – Make Raspberry Pi Images Small...
Text generation web UI
A Gradio web UI for Large Language Models. 只能執行本地模型,不支援外部模型 API。 支援以下多重功能的 AI 平台 Chat Fine-...
Open WebUI
A Web UI Tool for Ollama URLs GitHub:
Kuwa Gen AI OS
一個自由、開放、安全且注重隱私的生成式人工智慧服務系統,包括友善的大語言模型使用介面,以及能支援生成式人工智慧應用的新型GenAI核心。 🌐 提供多語言GenAI開發與部署的整體解決方案,...
LM Studio
Discover, download, and run local LLMs. With LM Studio, you can ... 🤖 - Run LLMs on your laptop...
加密檔案 - OpenSSL
Create Example Reference File, let us create a 1GB large text file using the fallocate command: ...
Dev Online Courses
Dev Community A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. With you ever...
ngrok - put localhost on the internet 應用場景: 安全的連線至客戶的網路環境 連線至 dev/test 環境,例如測試整合 webhook、與團隊...
Q & A
CDR Reports 沒有任何紀錄 檢查 MySQL 資料表 # MySQL Credentials cat /etc/freepbx.conf # Check the mysql...