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Online Tutorials The Python Tutorial The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python How to make an awesome...
Installation Ubuntu 9/11 How to Set Up a VNC Server In Ubuntu sudo apt-get install ubuntu-...
Command Line
Tutorials Controlling VirtualBox from the Command Line Basic Commands vboxmanage list vms ...
教學文章 How to Increase Disk Size of Your Existing Virtual Machines in VirtualBox
Subscription Usage
Viewing subscription NOTE: 這裡的版本號是指已安裝在系統的版本。 # subscription-manager list --installed +---...
How to use SAR to Monitor System Performance in Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Red Hat Customer Por...
編碼 UTF-8 宣告 #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- Find all installed modules help("module...
Concatenate secret_password = 'jhk7GSH8ds' print('Password hint: the third letter of your passw...
Regular Expression
Character types \w matches with any alphanumeric character . matches to all characters, inc...
List methods list.append() numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4] numbers.append(5) print(numbers) # outp...
使用 LLM 實現語言翻譯 LiteLLM + 反思提示 + 工作流 GitHub:
AI Applications
Cherry Studio Cherry Studio is a desktop client that supports for multiple LLM providers, availa...
Vim 高級技巧
常用技巧 命令執行(注意大小寫不同) 使用說明 使用技巧 i 以插入字元方式進入編輯模式 與 a 同為進入編輯模式,兩者差別只有游標的起始位置不同 ...
Introduction Suricata is a high performance, open source network analysis and threat detection s...
Analyse suspicious files, domains, IPs and URLs to detect malware and other breaches, automatical...
AI Dev
AI Develop Frameworks LangChain (python + node.js) LlamaIndex (python) Haystack (python) ...
Fundamentals; Basics (基礎; 基本) incindent; event (事件) Regulations; Compliance; Regulatory Compl...
OSS & Freewares
OSS List Awesome-Selfhosted LinuxLinks - The Linux Portal Site Good Articles to OSS 為何開...
建立系統用帳號 CentOS/RedHat) groupadd -r asterisk useradd -r -g asterisk -d /var/lib/asterisk -M ast...
Links to Tutorials
Let's Encrypt How To Secure Apache with Let's Encrypt on Ubuntu 16.04 SSL For Free 免費 SSL 憑證申...