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Microsoft Azure
Tutorials Azure Animations, where we make hard-to-understand Azure cloud concepts easier and m...
OSS & Freewares
OSS List Awesome-Selfhosted LinuxLinks - The Linux Portal Site OpenAlternative Good Artic...
Government sites 資通安全署 Administration for Cyber Security, moda 國家資通安全研究院 - 首頁 ( T...
Secure Docker Network
With SWAG SWAG - Secure Web Application Gateway With iptables 從 Linux 基礎實現 Docker Bridge 網路:...
Automation Tools
With SSH Fabric is a high level Python (2.7, 3.4+) library designed to execute shell commands ...
Create Example Reference File, let us create a 1GB large text file using the fallocate command: ...
系統組態管理工具 Open Source Puppet is a freely available open source configuration management platform ...
DNS Server
Tutorials DNS over HTTPS (DoH) How to install dnscrypt proxy with adblocker on Linux Secur...
Kubernetes basics
Control plane vs worker nodes Control Plane: The control plane is installed on your master no...
Learning Kubernetes
Introduction [RedHat] Start learning Kubernetes from your local machine Kubernetes Features ...
Coding Notes
Multi-Thread C/C++ 實現多執行緒解說 Code Performance Performance comparison: counting words in Pyt...
Jetson Orin Nano Super Getting started NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano Super Developer Kit | NVIDIA ...
Asterisk for Docker
GitHub sites
建立系統用帳號 CentOS/RedHat) groupadd -r asterisk useradd -r -g asterisk -d /var/lib/asterisk -M ast...
Tutorials How to Sync Linux Time With NTP Server - Make Tech Easier Chrony Built-in on Cen...
設定 postfix 為寄信主機
情境說明 需求:需要一部 SMTP 寄信主機可供論壇網站寄信,免費的 Gmail 或 ISP 提供的 SMTP 主機都會有寄送數量的限制,而其他提供可大量寄信的雲端服務商,例如 Mailchi...
Phrases 4
networked machines 連網的機器 Each has its own strengths and weaknesses 各有優缺點 we've chosen to focu...
Infracture as code (IaC)
Infrastructure as Code (IaC): When all of the configuration necessary to deploy and manage a node...