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370 total results found



Search Engines Shodan - Search Engine for the Internet of Everything. ZoomEye - Search for the any devices, blockchains, websites, webcams etc. Awesome-Google-Dorks Learning Hacker TryHackMe [Video] TryHackMe! Basic Penetration Testing Hack ...



在 Linux 發行版本上安裝 .NET - .NET | Microsoft Learn How To Install Microsoft .NET Core SDK On Linux RedHat 8



URLs Home: Github: Alternative to A2Billing MagnusBilling Github: ASTPP (based on FreeSWITCH) Github: https://gith...

fail2ban command


常用指令表 Commands - Fail2ban Cmd Description service fail2ban restart systemctl restart fail2ban restart fail2ban service (after edit configuration) fail2ban-client reload restart fail2ban client fail2ban-client status get list...

Linux Rescue

Linux Administration

RedHat/CentOS How to recover a root password in Red Hat-based Linux systems Single-User Mode Situation: Reset the root's password For GRUB Bootloader) 系統重開機 -> 進入開機選單 Select the kernel Press the e key to edit the entry Select second line (the lin...

USB 管理

Linux Administration

限制非 root 用戶可存取 USB 硬碟 修改 /etc/modprobe.conf # added by alang, this line would disable the USB drive. install usb-storage : 重啟系統後,可以驗證設定是否生效,此設定可使以下 USB 裝置失效。 USB 隨身碟 USB 光碟機 密碼保護 GRUB 避免用戶以 single user mode 進入修改 root 密碼。 建立密碼 [root@rh4 ~]# /sbin/...

加密檔案 - OpenSSL

Linux Administration 檔案及目錄加密-Encrypt

Create Example Reference File, let us create a 1GB large text file using the fallocate command: fallocate -l 1024M test.txt echo "LinuxShellTips tutorial on encrypting a large file with OpenSSL in Linux" >> test.txt cat test.txt Encrypt File with Password ...



Network Port What process is using the port 50000 lsof -i :50000 lsof -i :https lsof -i tcp:25 lsof -i udp:53 lsof -i :1-1024 lsof -i udp Mount Point What process is using the mount-point lsof | grep /path/to/mount-point lsof +f -- /path...


Linux Administration 帳號管理

RedHat 8 NOTE: RH8 新增一個 faillock 設定檔在 /etc/security/faillock.conf。如果在 system-auth 內有指定參數,會忽略 faillock.conf 相同參數的設定。 unlock_time - 帳號鎖定後,經過多久時間會自動解鎖。 deny - 密碼錯誤次數。 新增目錄 faillock (optional) TIP: 如果不指定目錄,預設目錄是 /var/run/faillock。 mkdir /var/log/fai...

Coding Notes

Being a Developer

Multi-Thread C/C++ 實現多執行緒解說 Code Performance Performance comparison: counting words in Python, Go, C++, C, AWK, Forth, and Rust 如何量化不同程式語言的執行效率與程式優化 比較不同程式語言的執行效率 對於大檔案的文字處理有很詳盡的解釋 Magika Github: Magika 基於深度學習的檔案類型辨識系統Magika 支援 Python, Java...


RabbitMQ Development with RabbitMQ

curl curl -u login:pass -i -H "content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:15672/api/exchanges/%2Fvhost/exchange/publish \ -d'{"properties":{},"routing_key":"","payload":"you message","payload_encoding":"string"}' rabbitmqadmin rabbitmqadmin u...


RabbitMQ Development with RabbitMQ

Tutorials python rabbitmq Code Example ( Part 2.3: Getting started with RabbitMQ and Python - CloudAMQP 利用Python操作訊息佇列RabbitMQ的方法教程 | 程式前沿 ( Python 实现 RabbitMQ 的六种工作模式(附 Python 代码)_Python_AlwaysBeta_InfoQ写作社区 RedHat AMQ Pytho...


RabbitMQ Development with RabbitMQ

Tutorials how to call a model from rabbitmq php consumer's callback in codeigniter? (



GoDaddy SMTP GoDaddy Setup: Office 365 Email: Enable SMTP Authentication Sign in Email & Office Dashboard > Select one email account created ( > Advanced Settings > SMTP Authentication: ON ## for GoDaddy SMTP with Office 365 rela...



Setup docker stop watchtower-myst-presearch-storj docker rm watchtower-myst-presearch-storj docker pull containrrr/watchtower docker run -d \ --name watchtower-myst-presearch-storj \ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \ c...

Voice Mail Transcription


IBM Watson STT Creating IBM Watson Credentials Login to IBM Cloud using your new credentials. Once logged in, choose IBM Cloud from the Title Bar to display your Dashboard. Choose Create Resource. Click Speech to Text from the AI Section. Name your STT...

Linux Backup Tools

Linux Administration

Data Backup Restic - is a fast, open source, secure and cross-platform backup program. It allows saving multiple revisions of files and directories in an encrypted repository stored on different backends. 備份資料加密 差異備份 - snapshot 支援目錄與檔案 備份媒體支援 本地/SFTP/...

RabbitMQ Standalone


Opened Port if firewall is used Configuration Ports Required: 4369: epmd, a peer discovery service used by RabbitMQ nodes and CLI tools 5672, 5671: used by AMQP 0-9-1 and 1.0 clients without and with TLS 25672: used for inter-node and CLI tools comm...



sSMTP - Simple SMTP sSMTP is a simple MTA to deliver mail from a computer to a mail hub (SMTP server). sSMTP is simple and lightweight, there are no daemons or anything hogging up CPU; Just sSMTP. Unlike Exim4, sSMTP does not receive mail, expand aliases, or ...

Q & A


Timezone 顯示不正確 網頁預設會以系統時區的時間顯示,假使系統設定 UTC 時區,如何讓網頁的時間顯示為時區 Asia/Taipei? 解決方法: 編輯 .env # Application timezone # Used where dates are displayed such as on exported content. # Valid timezone values can be found here: