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以 PID 查詢 ps -fp <PID> ps -fp <PID#1>,<PID#2>,<PID#3> 分析 CPU/Memory 使用...
Err: A line cannot be longer than 2048 characters. 這是因為 VI 的每一行字數不可超過 2048 字元,遇到時可以將超過字數的行刪除,另存一...
DB2 Monitoring
Prerequisites InfluxDB (the host is the same as Grafana) Separated Linux host Install and ...
iSCSI How to configure iSCSI target & initiator on RHEL/CentOS 7.6
Introduction Picroft is a ready-made way to run Mycroft on a Raspberry Pi 3, 3B+ or 4 and is pro...
Install plugin on local Grafana Option 1: with grafana-cli # Internet network is required # re...
Learning SHELL
7 Bash tutorials to enhance your command line skills in 2021 Top 10 Free Resources to Learn Sh...
Why Monitoring
Why Monitoring Sample #1 Know when things go wrong Detection & Alerting Be able t...
Parallel and Multi-thread
GNU Parallel Official: Download:
Install on CentOS 7 URL:
特色 可多人登入 可播放影片 資源耗用較少 登入使用 SSH 帳號 NX-based remote desktop solutions X2Go Server sudo a...
NX free edition
官網: 安裝 下載 3 個安裝檔 nxclient_3.5.0-7_i386.deb nxnode_3.5.0-...
加密你的隨身碟 - Cryptsetup
說明 如果你想對某個 USB隨身碟內的資料做加密保護,每次掛載前必須先輸入一組密碼。 開始加密 安裝套件 sudo apt install cryptsetup 插入要加密的隨身碟,並...
Fail2Ban FAQ
Q:服務啟動後出現錯誤 WARNING Determined IP using DNS Lookup: Ans: 編輯 /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf usedns...
Learning SQLite
SQLite 教學 SQLite is not a toy database
SQLite 指令
基本操作 sqlite> .help sqlite> .exit 查詢 sqlite> select * from tab_name; 資料表結構 sqlite&g...
官方首頁: NOTE: 必須事先安裝及設定好 Nagios 開始安裝 # 相依性套件 yum install gcc perl...
Learning Hadoop
TecMint Hadoop Tips How to Install Hadoop Single Node Cluster (Pseudonode) on CentOS 7 Best P...
Learning PHP
Tutorials 函數 preg_match() 範例與技巧
CentOS Kernel Upgrade
RedHat KB: CHAPTER 5. MANUALLY UPGRADING THE KERNEL Kernel Packages CentOS/RedHat Linux 與 kerne...