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NIS Server
網路資訊服務簡稱 NIS,時又譯為網路資料服務協定,亦即一般簡稱之「黃頁」YP,最早由昇陽公司開發出來,為一套用來管理電腦網路中所有與電腦系統管理相關之設定檔,如使用者帳號、密碼、主機名稱或群組...
SWAG - Secure Web Application Gateway
SWAG is a rebirth of the letsencrypt docker image, a full fledged web server and reverse proxy th...
BookStack Installation
With Docker Tutorial: linuxserver/bookstack LSIO BookStack & Swag Setup docker-compos...
Install FreePBX 15 with Docker
顯示進度 progress
範例:簡易版 echo -ne '>>> [20%]\r' # some task sleep 2 echo -ne '&g...
Build from a Jar App
目錄架構 . ├── app │ ├── cc_wallet │ │ └── CloudCoin.D.4.0.0.jar │ └── CloudCoinWallet.s...
Install Snapcraft
Mint 19.3 sudo snap install snapcraft --classic
Install FreePBX 15 with Asterisk 16 on Debian 10
Install Asterisk 16 Step 1: Update system sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade sudo reb...
Migrate System Accounts to another Server
Cloning AIX users and groups between servers # one-liner to generate the commands to clone group...
screen 常用指令 啟用 screen #> screen or #> screen -S <session-name> 列出所有 session #...
Zabbix Agent
AIX Download: 必須新增一個帳號名 zabbix。 AIX 7.2 # Using smitty us...
Postfix Installation
With Docker Github: docker-mailserver Docker: Running a Postfix container for testing mail du...
Xdebug is an extension for PHP to assist with debugging and development. Xdebug contains several ...
Login and Configure user Default login: Admin / zabbix Adding User) Administration -> Users
Tutorials RHEL7/8:
AIX Configure SNMP
Reference IBM AIX: How To Configure Community based SNMP And SNMP Traps
教學連結 Check and Repair Filesystem Errors With fsck Command in Linux
jpackage in Java 14
jpackage is a command-line tool to create native installers and packages for Java applications. ...
Cloudflare 顯示訪客的真實 IP
如果網站有使用 Cloudflare CDN 服務,在 Nginx 的 access.log 紀錄裡只會出現 Cloudflare 的 IP,而無法紀錄所有網站訪客實際的真實 IP 位址。 這...